Show opera urgia house tta INIa hackburn c n k ad 9 curtain pm thursday feb ath sons original big double spectacular I 1 uncle tonis ton gabin COMP COMAJ AIT S Y the barnum sf them all under the management ent of leon W washburn WATCH THE BIG rAi PARADE tADE prices 35 35 and 50 cents box office opens at 10 a in day of per performance or mance kodol dyspepsia guro curo digests what you eat aw 1 i if r a r gal a i B nb ab B y A S d V 0 B a r ga g i i 0 n s 1 bar B a r g a i iii s I 1 we are offering the greatest ba bargains in the celebrated STANDARD SEWING MACHINES ever given the people of box elder county J our line of machines is second to no other sewing machine line we will furnish you with a fully guaranteed I 1 I 1 STANDARD SEWING MACHINE at prices ranging from 20 to 40 the secret is this our machines are sold right from our store and we do not have to charge our patrons k the agents commission which has to be charged for machines sold by agents if you want the bet beat machine on the market for the lowest possible price call and see us T 0 H IL L FURNITURE U COMPANY FIRST NATIONAL BANK BUILDING BRIGHAM CITY UTAH M athi ethi oil om VL A EVERY EVERY WEEK WEE EK AT OLSONS I 1 1 1 e wall paper direct from the factory just arria 1 a cad I 1 more corning latest and most artistic patterns nSf big sale still continues Conti 15 A a ys longer the 1900 ball bearing washer is still the best a shipment just arrived yours to please S 0 N FURNITURE STORE 28 north main street I 1 r anz g taz when you want real bargains in call on us i r I 1 we have every thing you C could wish for in dishes silverware cooking utensils household Furn furniture d carpets wall paper etc etc au our r stock kock is com complete and up to tod date d 4 te 1 j also if you want a GOOD REATIE HEATER R cheap call ce I 1 onus I 1 we are closing them out at cost stohl bros furniture co UTAH I 1 NOTICE institute for special benefit of the fruit growers Afee meetings tings will vhal be held at the times limes and places design designated a 1 ted t here lre following bear river dl ci ty feb 12 at 2 pm tremonton Tre monton feb at 71 30 P pm m and on the at 10 a am in garland feb at 2 p rn in thatcher feb at 7 30 pm iiii brigham feb at 2 p m and at p m willard feb loth at I 1 p m fruit growers are urged ti be pre sent at these meetings W 0 KNUDSON tree inspector selling off at M M I 1 S having purchased below cost the entire stock of district school shoes ot of mrs john christensen chri stensen who has relinquished business I 1 will retail them at a GREAT REDUCTION 9 also many odd pieces of 0 my own stock at COST commencing SATURDAY NEXT south main street on cure curb digests what you eat cat great deduc JEW lion sale is is now on one lot mens shoes only ladies abed shoes and house slippers carpet slippers mens ladies and childrens mits mittens ind and gloves hats caps and underwear sweaters and dress goods ladies coats at lace or embroidery at half price A new lot of codfish salt herring swiss cheese ost new smoked sausage and edward E via r d L ansen ath south and main st bear river valley farms 33 per acre will buy acres of birst class land in see sec 21 24 12 3 one milt mil from sugar factory lias has acres water right in B R canal acres under cultivation balance river bottom and berich bench land good house bouse and other improvements worth all fenced here are 80 acres of good land with full water right and 20 0 acres in alfalfa located in see sec 32 10 3 will sell all or part with water right at 10 40 I 1 4 1 pu pur r chase price cash balance on time pay ments with 7 per cent interest 50 per acre and very easy terms will buy 25 acres ot land in hl sec 1411 ll ll 4 near thatcher all in alfalfa fenced and has full water wright in B R canal here is a good farm of 92 ac acres resIn in see sec 19 10 2 all fenced with 3 wires and cedar posts has 3 room frame house good stable and three thre ehen ben houses with a capacity for fowls there is no better land than this 32 acres near dewey 12 acres in wheat this year balance in alfalfa full water right in hammond ammond II canal per acre acres in see sec 33 12 2 just south of Col collingston collinston Colllns linston ton hammond canal runs through it here is a snap at per acre heres a snap any sized farm from 5 to acres with water right VO to 2500 per acre this property is s near thatcher all fenced and cultivated 70 acres now in fall arain an excellent excelle excel leni nL opportunity 80 acres with full water right in bear river canal located one mile west of bonita on malad valley branch has good frame house three rooms and good cellar frame stable tor for tour four animals two hen ben houses well of good water board lined 20 acres in alfalfa balance grain all fenced with three wires arid and cedar posts per acie acre per acre will buy 25 acres in good location near thatcher all in good stand of alfalfa has full water right in bear river canal easy terms list you pro properties bertles with us no ko charge unless place is sold LEE IEE DUNN |