Show are the cause of many serious diseases who have gained a national reputation as ag analysts of the cause of various diseases claim that if vak caching thing cold could he be avoided ded a long loas list of dangerous ailments would n nevar eva be head heard of hat ori burn a and all throat and lung troubles are aggravated and rendered renA ered more serious senous by each fresh attadia at taia do not risk your moor life or take chances when you have a cold cham chain ber cough remedy will cure it beton these diseases develop this reineri contains no opium morphine or obber harmful drug and has thirty of reputation lack back of it gain ed by its cures under every condition for by the eddy drug wate stare the wow cough syrup the tbt one that antzas a mild c cathartic at haTtIC on cm the bowels as is iKenn edys s laxative boney and tar mar it expels all cold irom the cyst system cuts the phlegm legin out of the throat strengthens the raucous mucous mem membrane branoa of the bronchial inies andr and elleves croup whooping cough etc love it sold by b brigham otry they never gripe or 61 elsen but cleanse and strengthen tie stomach liver and bowels this Is ebe universal verdict of the many thousands who use dewitts little early risers these famous little pills relieve headache constipation biliousness jaundice torpid liver sallow complexion etc try little early risers sold by brigham city pharmacy the yellow fever germ 0 has recen recently tl y been discovered it bears allos e r resemblance e e J an ce tp the malaria maaria germ to free the system from disease germs the roost most effective remedy E d ady Is dr kings new lite life pills G guaranteed U granteed aran teed to cure all diseases due to 6 malaria poison and constipation sa wg notice to advertisers to in insure ure chances of ads in the news C pv must be in not later than mon rina inv norm nonn of pach week for pages 3 ard ar d 6 tuesday nonn for paves 4 and 5 and wednesday noon for paces I 1 and 8 17 4 y ri eal ln nv it rt v lek cr C Y h e led A safe medicine for children CHi Idren in haying a cough medicine for children never be afraid I 1 to 0 tiny bur 0 ains COUGH there is no danger from it and relief is alys always sure cure to follow tollow it is intended especially colds croup and whooping f and is the best beat medicine in the world for these diseases it ia h not OL cily ay a cartain care for croup but when givon given as soon soon as the croupy cough COUR am laai i s will the attack whooping cough is not dangerous wh cn tia 1 T is given is directed it contains mc ao opium or other harmful aru druga i a given even as confidently to a baby as to an abdull 4 for sale at theaddy THE EDDY DRUG storer STOKE 1 9 ya A ayers rs pills aye ayers rs pills rills ayer ayers s pilli eills K kee cepi p saying this oVee over and nd lover af iain the best best latti laxative tl ZOA iss want ant your moustache or beard kill S DYE a beautiful brown or rich blacci use lutt W WE W E 4 AS ul R 11 ap after a system that is exclusively purs and 4 it is absolu absolutely Wy sure to give you ia a faulie ss flit fit every garment we cut is aa f r bab noticeably 1 ly sa s1 stylist V aln c we car carev va a line of P particularly choice jt r y v m fabrics for you to choose from H C C Ghrist r i s t i iansen a n s e n L moire tailor shop immediately south of etab na hotel 4 dasper 5 A A T 0 U r DIGESTS the 29 times trial site which sells cars a WN pit aratt zd c lr AT T HZ OF E C dewite COMPANY CHICA GOi 11 SOLD B THE P |