Show A F FAMOUS A M 0 U S P E M E DY V I 1 cured cared MY tough cough with german syrup r I 1 he wrote to dr G G green allas an m true as s I 1 tell you doctor dear im finer thau ever ive been 1 P the poor consumptive should not be the victim of experiment as he often is buethe but the moment the dread disease manifests its presence he should be given bo german syrup a pure non alco holic medicine that is 13 made specially for the cure of consumption and has a worldwide fame as a certain remedy for catarrh colds coughs croup sore throat and all bronchial affections in old and young it is sold in all civilized countries qi and has been famous aa A consumption cure tor for half a ceu century tury trial bottle big bottle at sill 11 II the world bula bola ty we ead druk drug store ve a promptly oktaw U 8 und SESS SSi lb send model or photo ol 01 invention for S ace a report no hook H re bani Bm ni ril trademarks TRADE anaut MARKS to T thaw vast trains dally to chicago and the east over the only double track railway between the missouri river and chicago excellent service in every particular one of 0 these trains the overland limited is the most luxurious train in the world electric lighted throughout direct connections at via the northwestern north western line to S Z paul and minneapolis tickets reservations ans ana full information can be obtained from C A walker general agent chicago northwestern north western ry y 38 west second south st atlas att 3 radt fc salt lako clity city utah it aa amilca agat arft 2411 ar bouab hs coddo clouis Cr ouis THE i denver K rio mo grande I 1 AND THE rio crande rande Wn western stern LINE TO f git springs apan pant colorado colo iao nii denver omana kansas city st louis chicago and all points east connecting at ogden union docot with all SOUTHERN PACIFIC and OREGON WORT SHORT LINE TRAINS the only transcontinental line passing through salt lake city I 1 splendidly equipped fast trains daily beaw between een 3 OGDEN and DENVER 3 via three separate and distinct scenic routes THROUGH to denver omalia omaha kansas city PULLMAN st louis and chicago with AND out change free reclining ORDINARY chair cars SLEEPING CARS personally conducted excursions DINING CARS service a la III carte on all through trains for rates folders aya booklets etc elo inquire of your ticket agent the rio grande granda route or addreal IA BENTON G GA A P salt aake e c city ut 0 A ayers e rs for coughs colds bronchitis asthma weak throats weak lungs consumption take ayers cherry pectoral cher cherry ry pectoral always keep a bottle of it in the house we have been saying this for 60 years and so have the doctors 1 I ih bave used mcd alees cherry pectoral in my family for 40 your years it is 1 the bast in abe world I 1 know for all throat and lun IUD troubles lM silas S J K waltham MM mass air sto sum J 0 atzet CO A all I 1 I 1 for far lowell mas M thel thie lungs U daily action of tho the bowels Js s feces sary aid nature with ayers pills ACTIVE WORKERS try eddys little cascara pills 60 50 active little workers in each bottle for sale at the eddy drug store tf 7 T i TOYS we have a full line of toys and will be able to s supply your wants in this line we have decided de aided to reduce our ladies 9 childrens misses coats and will for the remainder ot of the year offer them at 3 AIM per cen t OFF they are all marked in plain figures preserved gre served ALL MUST GO we now dow have a full stock of tiger and stetson hats and a whole store full 0 of ail kinds of gf EGGS 26 CENTS PER DOZEN ae A nelson C coo bear river city utah |