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Show ORDER INVENTORY OF STATE MACHINERY An inventory of all machinerv and other state equipment used in highwav building build-ing and repair was yesterday ordered by the state road commission. Tho work will be in charge of W. I,. Lamph. pav-ro(l pav-ro(l clerk, and w. A. Richmond and F Li. Haynes, field engineers for the road commission. Thoy will begin at Ihe north end of the state and work to ils southernmost south-ernmost limit. Approval of the following road construction con-struction was given at yesterday's meeting meet-ing of the commission: Millard countv, Delta, to cost JMnW; Juub county, Mills bridge. 51 sou; Sevier county, Palina. .$2001): Carbon county, Helper. ;?rO0, and other work. $,-O0; Iron county. Cedar City, SUL'iiO: l-'.niery county, Huntington, ?lo0o; Washington county. Ttarrisburg, $1POO, and Peter's Leap, ?1"00. This week two five-ton motor trucks will be sent to the southern part of the state carrying capacity loads of oil and gasoline to be' used on road machinery. 1 |