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Show LOCAL THEATER IS AMONG LEADERS In Some Respects Orphemn Surpasses Other Playhouses in Red Cross Contributions. 1 pptnils of the record ma do by Salt Lake in another of its contributions to the Ued Cross reached the city yesterday in the form of an official tabulation of the contributions con-tributions made, to the society by theaters throughout the United States on "Ked Cross Theater day" on Ieeemhor 7. The Orpheum theater of bull Lake, with a cont ri bution of $Hi", li earls the list of all Orpheum and affiliated theaters, surpassing sur-passing its nearest competitor for hifrh honors, tho Majestic theater of Chicago, bv $0-35. and being almost double that of the third theaterjn the list, the Palace of Chi eairo. which had M2.5,. Not only did the. local Orpheum head all houses of that circuit and Up affiliations, affilia-tions, but it raised more than did any theater of any other circuit in the I'niied States, with the exception of the KHth houses in New York, Philadelphia . Boston Bos-ton and "Brooklyn. All other Keith houses were surpassed. The metropolitan Keith houses materially increased their contributions contri-butions by holding- auctions of choice seats, the auctions beinp participated in by the biir stars and magnates residing tn those cities. The Salt Lake Orpheum relied re-lied wholly upon tho individual purchase of tickets, in which re s per t it w a 3 u n -surpassed in the United State?. The total contributions of the theaters to the lted Cross for the special performances perform-ances throughout the na lion were j 24, 43. Thore were approximately 300 1 houses in all which participated, making- i the average contribution slightly In excess of J::im. For the special performances every thin,- was donated siae hands, artists, musicians and all other employees worked free of charsc. In Salt Lake the sale of tickets was crentiy facihtnld by the management having the girls and boys of the Gus K3-w;mtJs K3-w;mtJs "Randi'ox Revue" sell tickets in i ihe audience during seVural days previous ; to thi benefit daw" j K'-ith's thrater of Philadelphia lod all Keit h hon with ?r. 1 7. T. Oilier cir-! cir-! cun holders included the Orpln-um and : nfnbaU'.d circuit. Orpheum. S i.lt Lake. I $'-'..?.""; Ma rev.? Locw ' e:rcuit. Houle;ird, j New York, ?!. 2$; F. F. proctor rircuU. FiTth Avenue, New York. ?iv.17: ;.- S. M n ; circuit. M os s i 1 1 ea t e r , N c w Y o :-k , j ?iiT". Cus Sun circui. Uroadwav, Co- j lumhus. Ohio. ?.V'iV M'ihiuT & Vincent. Hippodrome. Reariin-z. Pa.. ?)T1.27- r-int- I terfield irenh. Flint, Mich.. .;f.M: f Ackerman - Harris. Hipdromc. Stov'k- ' ton. Cal., $U"..".,V Ind'!Vnfrnt maii:i;pr?, j Ten pie t ii.-ai.-r. lf t"oit . Mich,.. S i "7 ;.'.'. t In S.-'.!i Lake Cuy t..c benefit perform- ' ancos were Riven, in addition to the Orpheum Or-pheum theater, at the Salt Iake, Pan-tases, Pan-tases, Wilkes and Liberty. Slightly less than $3000 was the total contribution from this city to the national fund. |