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Show JOHN F. MEI 15 Prominent Idaho Politician and Lawyer Is Appointed to Succeed Brady. Special to The Tribune. BOISE, Idaho, Jan. 22. John F. Nugent Nu-gent of Boise was today appointed United States senator bv Governor Alexander to fill the vacancy "caused by the dc.ith of Senator Brady. The appointment will hold until a successor is named in November. No-vember. Senator Nugent might be termed a self-made self-made man. Although born in Creu:on, he lms spent most of his life in Idaho, receiving re-ceiving a common and high school education, educa-tion, he never attended college. For some years he has been prominent as a lawyer, qualifying himself to pas.s the bar examinations by his determination to forge ahead. He Is a recognized leader and for ten years, lias been identified with leadership hi the Democratic party. Nugent represents the more progressive wing of tho party.. JJe fights uncompromisingly. uncom-promisingly. Idaho's new senator is ;"U years of age. He was born at La Grande, Ore., June 2S. -iSil. Shortly afterward his parents moved to Silver City. Owyhee county, Idaho, then one of tlie big silver camps of the west. Senator Nugent spent most of his childhood and younger manhood man-hood theie. His . father was appointed judge of the district court and lie appointed ap-pointed his son court reporter. Later Senator Nugent been me identified identi-fied with a large mining company and was sent on a trip a round the wurld In its interests. That was in 1R!7. Fie spent a year in Australia. Returning to Idaho, he was admitted to (he bar, and later was elected piosecuting attorney for Owyhee county, serving in that capacity for eight years. lie was married in 1K and has one. son. O. A. Nugent, a lieutenant with tlie Virginia guard. Virginia. Senator Nugent was state chairman of his party in T.i2 and in was a pri mary candidate for tlie senatorial nomination nomi-nation against James H. Jlawlev and was defeated. Some month ago Iiawiey again - an nounced his cancl Idacy for sc-.n-ator. That was before Biady's death. Nugent is said to have given way to him so that he would have no opposition. Hawley's friends were active in his behalf, be-half, endeavoring to secure his appointment. appoint-ment. They now claim that Nugent will have to elect to run for the long term fn tho United States senate against Senator Borah, permitting Jlawlev to run for tho short term, or become the opponent of !aiiy other candidate tlie Republicans may nominate. Nugent is now in "Washington. He will return to Boise before taking his seat in tlie senate. i Je was a. member of the counsel for the Western Federation of Miners tn the, trials resulting from the killing of former for-mer Governor Frank Steunenberg at Caldwell. He is regarded as a brilliant orator. |