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Show THREE OF FAMILY WIN PROMOTIONS Thrro members nf one Suit I.-iko f.-imily Iiave reeentlv re'Ued promotions in the ncrvir of the United StaU-s. Mr. and Mrs. K. I.. Ilim-H of R'.O South Ninth Kasl have received word that .lieutenant .lieuten-ant Colonel Frank T. nines, on the cen-eral cen-eral staff of the army. Imn heel made a colonel in eharne of embarkation; Captain Charles II. Mines of the Const Artlllerv corps has been mavle assistant to Colonel J. V. Howell of the armv artillery staff and has been ordered to Fiance for duly, and Screeart Ivlward nines, with the army urtillcrv headquarters at Camp feade. Md., is also under order to ko a hroad. |