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Show NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Scale proposals will be received up to i 12 o'clock noon. April 15, I'.'LS, for the , general contract, heating and ventilating contract and plumbing contract for Bryant Bry-ant Junior high school unit, situated on the north sPk- of First South street be-: tween Seven tli and Eighth East streets. , Plans, specifications and Instructions to; bidders may be obtained at the offices : of the board of education, 202 city and i county building. Salt Lake City, Ut.ih. For t he Ha ns and specification. tho following deposits and fees will be required re-quired : General contract First set, a deposit of $2."j; additional sets, $15 fee and $25 deposit. Heating and ventilating con tract First set, a deposit of h; addltonal sets, $Pf fee and h deposit. - Plumbing contract First i,setf a deport of si:.; additional eets, $10 fee and $15 deposit. A contract bond of at least 50 per cent of the contract amount will bo required, ex cut cd by sat lsfactory sureties. These sealed proposals will be opened In public pub-lic at the offices of tho Umrd of educa- j tion, nt 12 o'clock noon, April 15, JIilS. The undersigned reserves t lie rignt to re ject anv a nil all proposa In. i THIO BOARD OF EDUCATION OF SALT ' LAKE CITY, UTAH. ! !v l. P. Judd, clerk. gnn.'i |