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Show Don't Let It Linger. A cough that follows la grippe or any other cough that ' ' hangs on ' ' from winter to spring wears down the sufferer, suf-ferer, leaving him or hor in a weakened weak-ened state, unable to ward ot'i sickness and disease. Jos. Oillard HS Fillmore St., Nashville, Tenn., writes: " was .suffering with a dry hacking cough and a pain in my chest, but since taking Foley's Honey and Tar I have been relieved. w It soothes, heals and cures roughs, colds and croup. Good for whooping cough. Schramm-Johnson, Drugs. (Advertisement.) Don't Blame "Spring Fever" For That "Down-and-out Feeling" : Your Blood Needs a Thorough Cleaning Just Now. As sprint; approai'lu's, tho impurities that have heon iii-eiiimiliitiup in tho system sys-tem throughout tlie winter !ej:iii to flop; "P the eiri'iilntion. ,nuino :i enernl weakness and debilitated eoinlilion that ls generally known as "Spring fever. tlie lirst svinptoins are nsiiailv a los? of appetite, followed l.y a gradually les- : M'nin of enerjsv, tlie system beeomes weaker day by day, unlii you feel your-'fi your-'fi the verjje of a breakdown. t'hil . J.iitst at this season are peevish and . ""'dnhle, and beeome puny and lifeless. : This whole eondition is but vhe re- i slllt of impurities in the blood that have boon aecnmulatinp ami make them selves felt more distinetly with the ehansje of seasons. They show that nature na-ture needs assislanee in giving the system sys-tem a general houseeb-auing. Kvervbodv just now needs a few bottles bot-tles of S. 'S.' S the great vegetable blood remedy, to purify their blood and eleanso it of impurities. It is good for the ehiblren, for it gives them now strength and puts their system in eondition eon-dition so thev can more ea-ily resist Ihe'mni'.v ailments . provalent in summer, sum-mer, s.' S. S. is without an e.pial as a "oneral touio ami svstem builder. It improves im-proves tho appetite and c;ves new strength and vitality to both old and vmnii , ' l-'ull information and valualue luera-ture luera-ture van be had by writ ing to Swift Speeifie t'o., -4 10 Switt Laboratory, At-i-inta, ia. (Advertisement.'! erne 20 pud mmm ten Salt Lake Business Man Tells of Wife's Recovery I by Taking Tanlac. It may sound unreasonable and you may believe it or not, but my wife has gained twenty-eight pounds and I have gained ten pounds during the past few weeks by taking this Tan-lae," Tan-lae," was the remarkable statement made by Don J. Perry, in conversation with the Tanlac representative reeent-lv. reeent-lv. Mr. and Mrs. Perry reside at 370 Quince street, and Mr. Perry is a well-known well-known business man, with offices at 3 West Second street. "Mrs. Perry has suffered from stomach stom-ach trouble lor a long time," Mr. Perry Per-ry continued. "She had no appetite at all and complained of a. heavy feeling in the pit of her stomach. She was extremely ex-tremely nervous and I don 't believe she slept as much as two hours out of every twenty-four in the past five years. She lost weight and strength until she was unable to attend to her household duties. du-ties. She-seemed to get no nourishment at all from her food and had that tired, worn-out feeling all the time. "It seems to me that she just tried everything, but found no relief until she began taking Tanlac. She has gotten got-ten rid of the gas entirely and now she can eat anything she wants without the slightest discomfort from it. She sleeps like a child and her nerves are practically prac-tically normal. She can do her work now without any trouble and has. improved im-proved so much she looks almost like a different person. "As for my own ease, I had been in a nervous, run-down condition for three years. I felt tired and listless and had no energy or ambition. I would just roll and toss all night, never getting sleep enough to rest me. My appetite was so poor that I would hardly average aver-age eating more than one meal a day, and the little I did eat failed to give me any strength. I never felt like doing my work and was losing ground all the time "I find since I have been taking Tanlae that I am picking up rapidly in every way. My appetite is so good I can hardly eat enough to satisly me. I can eat three hearty meals a day, and then want more. My sleep is sound and restful, and, besides 'gaining in weight, my strength and energy have been so renewed that I feel more like doing my work than I have in' a long time. I had to insist on my wife taking tak-ing Tanlac, but now she feels like I do, that it's the greatest medicine in the world. Tanlae has certainly proven all and more than is claimed for it with us, and I am glad to tell everybody every-body what I think about ft.'' See that the names of G. F. "Willis and the Cooper Medicine company are on each carton. ' Tanlac is sold in Salt Lake City by Schramm-VJohnson, Drugs, under " personal per-sonal direction of a special Tanlac representative. (Advertisement.) Women Braver Than Men. Women often do their daily tasks in home, office or factory while suffering pain and misery that would put a man in bod. However, much or women Js suffering can be alleviated. Backache, sore muscles, stiff joints, rheumatic pains, dizziness and like symptoms are caused by disordered kidneys and bladder. blad-der. Mrs. Thos. . Davis, Montgomery, Ind., writes: ' ' I doctored several months without relief, when 1 commenced com-menced using Foley Kidney Pills, and got relief. Eight bottles cured inc.'' Safe, harmless: quick results. Sehramm-Johnson, Sehramm-Johnson, Drugs. (Advertisement.) y fiJ R 0 Now Showing A First National .j I H tf. fVtflflY Exhibitors' League Circuit H H Hi LBM ' liZ ii Super-Master Production. A &liif ttliLiilJU'd ; TODAY, TOMORROW, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY . i i AN of ITjWi APES fj 'Tarzan of the Apes" is a ninstedonic production, embracing all that P the mind of man can possibly conceive, suggest or imagine. v 0 It is a s-nnihony of dramatic, art-rugged adventure, splendid atmos- i -?. phcric detail, picturesque romance IT IS THE DIFFERENT 9 P PICTURE. j It is sweeping toruado-like across the continent, enveloping all in its 3 sweep. J "TARZAN" is the outstanding event. It breaks the monotony of con- 3 i veutional pictures and time-worn stories. jj And, sav the New York Fapcrs: "Even if all the drama were removed J fj from ' TARZAN OF THE APES,' it would still be the best picture ever J j thrown upon a screen. " rl Miss Maude Goodwill, Dramatic Soprano, new songs, Mat. atid Eve. 'i j Unexcelled music. American Concert Orchestra, Mr. Claude Sweeten, p y. Director. A h , i U Shows Continuous from 1 to 11 p. m. 4 P NO ADVANCE IN PRICES BUT COME EARLY. ij fc'iT-Ti???ro I PARAMOUNT - EMPRESS "The Pick of the Pictures." '. TODAY AND TOMORROW . i I WM. S. HART,fe in the typical western drama ' ''vlPlSr I' I THE TIGER MAN viJ-' Burton Holmes in Alaska. Pathe News. Sceues at the Front. ti i; Continuous, 12:30 to 11 p. m. b I prfl ALWAYS WE BEST PICTURES Khwg F S3 Today and Wednesday, Three Stars In a Big Picture a 5-reel Triangle- f: J nCe production of Merit. First Time Shown In Salt Lake. If Wm. S. Hart and Dorothy Dalton, j 1 Supported by Enid Markey and an All-star Cast, In f J ' I "THE CAPTIVE GOD" : Next Attraction, Commencing Thursday, Sequel to Elinor Glyn's "Three E i ! Weeks," "ONE HOUR," a Screen Sensation, at No Advancee In Prices. j 1 nwn .til iii mniHHMiiiiy ti rnr? i jS TRAM D PRESENTS TODAY AND TOMORROW i mm. 5. iMiIII in- j; Deck" li p It is Hart's greatest masterpiece ; 1 "and you haven't seen Hart until 9 I you have seen him in 'THE COLD j IdECK.' " j a COMEDY. ! I Shows, 1, 2:40, 4:20, 6, 7:40, 0:20. Coining MARY WARREN in j "THE VORTEX." j j 'i Vcrformances each Wed., Tlinr,, f,M Frl., tint.. Hun. Eve. ::!. Kiicb S)'Vj Thur. Kri., Sat., Sun. Mat.. 2:8U. Beginning WEDNESDAY Evenlnq filCRcSSY" MCRT0N' :3KJ and and ii DAYNE GLASS ZM In "The Wyo- In ej ming Whoop" 1918- 195CVJ Ma HANLCN &. CLIFTON "" J AL SKAYKE' i The Singing Beauty 1 lq Assisted hy Joe Sully Bf"''1 -ALFR-D-LA tell & 00 HARRY & ETTA CONLEY fl Stuart barges'" ar-i Favorite Singing Comedian. j ""fl K-G., ):, ".".r-, ".IK-. 7."C. Mill.. I'M'! j 2r, f.Or Huv t icUots now. Tickut office alw:iys open. j NOW PLAYING t, Wilkes players with Nana Bryant I present "Playthings" f A powerful indirtmoiit of the dou- I p ble ntandnrd. M;:tinccs TlmrBday 9 ' P and Saturday. Regular prires. Note: I r Performances begin at usual hour ) c if you have set your watch ninad.Ri T " ' J 111 hiiiiiii'ti i in 1 1 i m imi p in'i ji i j i I in' n-.i.'-'-'S Mr -u:t 1 1 f i ' i ' ;i t '-. !,' -. ; i 't.-'i: ii )..ni,i.- in i . v. ' t . ,. i-, i 'i t .- ! : .-. for i, i r (";;!.! .-' : :i ; - - - . know :, j." liils ;im-I - r uii'.- ,.' ,V"-i ';;' i:t:s. A-,; y.iu ! l.-i or (j:j.'i.'ist ;;i'(, it it. IfTTSTf t11! sSi1:'Wj'-AYl'S'HAW-'7a;i Matinee at 2:15 Every Day. Nights, 7:30 and 9 p. m. Today and WediiesdayOnly theTc la y t o n a nd drew PLAYERS In a Shakespearean Travosty, ''When Caesar Marked Anthony." CHARLES ORR AND ETTA HAGER In "Courtship in Songs." MILLER AND MORRISON Dainty Musical Duo. LLOYD NEVADA "COMPANY In a Comedy Novelty Act. KARTELLI Supported hy a Wire. TOMMY DENVER Eccentric Comedian. Wo pay the war tax. Prices 10, 20, o0o; niatinoes, M00 seats at luc. riAlto ; fl Tuesday Only, Q MARY MILES MINTER g i "BEAUTY AND THE ROGUE," U An Abtorb'ng and Deli(jhtf ul Amer- R lean - Mutual Photoplay, S And B BILLIE RHODES IN "THEIR j LITTLE KID," Str:nd M ut tin I Comedy. 1 Tomorrow, 9 "THE FALL OF THE NATION." 1 a I Ml Lake Theatre Tonirjht and All Week. Matinee;; D.illy, Startlnq Today. R?1? Rac'neautlfu!' S H ! 3 "Qurrn B.m;" Win F r. 1 ff J P ir V r n i n n f n Larcjf Company and Production DIG NOVEL PARADE EVF.HY DAY Pnceu: ?.',c to il.O'l. M'n. ?'c and bOc f. r . ' ' rr- j-i ;'',r, n n y where LAST :i TIMES TODAY ... ' ,r , s ' ' ' Seven merry. r,pt;i-hli.r. dnvn and nitjlit.i. LOTTIE Myr or.tl lirr alluiiiK;. :.h -i,v:iy ri . a i tl r r.5 x,i hrn'ilinert. Five '.:':r ij.y .1 I-,. Thr.p ghrjwR dally ; o, 7.'','J, r. rn. M.-i'.in-e prireD .0. 'tj. '.'- fC'i'c; nieht pri'.'-s, 1',, 25, :b 'ei.tr.. V.; p,-iy 'he wit tax. Scats re -?:v.:J for ti:r.t ni';:u (.how only. "How can I ili".o'.e .,r he. nail hand fur n it ii re, ur fijjil iikmi- cnni'oi t abJo ;i:ii to livi.'7'' Uhij ;i 'I'ribuno VVaot Ad. |