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Show DELUGE OF GAS LET LOOSE American Troops in Toul Sector Retaliate With Good Effect. WITH THE AMF.RK'AX ARMY IN" FRANCE, April 1. (By tin? Associated Associat-ed Tress.) A doing H gas. shrapnel ami lii;li explosive shells fell on certain cer-tain portions of the American sector northwest of Toul for four hours last night and this morning. A number of towns, trenches and roads were targets i lor the enemy, who began firing before midnight. First one place was "strafed'' and then another. At one ; location alone fOUO shells. 2M00 of which were gas projectiles, fell. ; Toward the end of the shelling the Germans let down a barrage in front fo one of the American front line po-1 po-1 sitions for good measure. Little dam- age was done. I The American artillery retaliated ' and dropped many gas shells near a truck carrying supplies' to an advanced ad-vanced post before the driver abandoned aban-doned it. I Two American patrols entered the enemy lines last night. Both found the belts of wire heavily electrified, one reporting that the strands of wire wore connected with interrupters, which gave off sparks as a warning to the enemy sentries. Great activity continues in the rear of the enemy lines. One especially active ac-tive point is in the town of Pannes, at which the American gunners do not shoot, because French civilians are still there. As many as a thousand Germans Ger-mans have been seen there at one time during the last few hours. Vehicles on roads back of the American lines were shelled by Germans this morning. " |