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Show Constipation and Indigestion. I These are twin evils. Persons suffer- j ins; from indigestion are often troubled ! with constipation. Mrs. Robert Alii- I son, Mattoon, 111., writes that when she first moved to Mattoon she was a great sufferer from indigestion and constipa- 1 tion. Food distressed her and there was . a feeling like a heavy weight pressing on her stomach and chest. She did not , rest well at night, and felt worn out a good part of the time. One bottle of Chamberlain 's Tablets corrected this trouble so that she has since felt like 1 a different person. For sale by all deal-; ers. (Advertisement.) : i, j " 1 Ml A Thumb Print fwW , Mttll As Psitively as yuv thumb print llP? identifies you, the Bayer Cross vsSgr' identifies the genuine Bayer-Tatetets of Aspirin 11 Aspirin has been made in the United States for more r than ten years. Protect yourself be sure that you get Bayer Tablets of Aspirin every package and every tablet is invariably marked with " The f A Yc:ir Guarantee Bayer Cross- ' V Purity" Th trade-mark " Aspirin-CRoe.U.S.Pat.Off.) is a ctnrintte that She monomelic .. JT acidester of salicylicacid in these tablet is oi the rouble Bayer manuiacture. 1 Free Trip to Favhr 50 PREMIUM if Sail Lake 'oOSie iiLly for Any Meney Paid i A .... -; I - to the Great Daynes-Beebe f; lafiijc3!! TIIC3 TA? ill i i 1 w m m hr 1 1 ilif if4 -i i ' A S of Highest Grade Pianos and Player - Pianos v I r- - " -v 1 1 i l: 1 i fev, v, A 1 a ZJA h $3 I Trfv r ' r jLjk ;' t J w ' z'xKttEt- - ls V U . I k "'.Oa.' i' A. -Xt Mmrmr--" ' a YOUR OWN TERMS I I 1'1 The 15 months that have elapsed since we We now want to make the next month the complish our aim and "GO OVEK THE TOP" i E! moved to this magnificent huilding have seen GREATEST IN OUR HISTORY we want to with our record-breaking month. ' our business increase by leaps and bounds. rllrp ;f miMl, MANY TIMES THE T?UST ' " ti Month by month sales have broken all records ure P 1 MAN Y TIB THE BUM Instrumentg markcd a d . . foj What we considered "good" business in past NESS done in even two or more months previ- ,. gfl years now ssems in reality SMALL, when com- ously. And we are going to offer the biggest former cost. It will be one grand carnival of ; : S pared with our present volume. inducements we ever offered in order to ac- bargains from start to finish. ' ; fA ( ! 1 Every Piano and Player-Piano in the Store Included No Exceptions No "Hold-outs" It's Take Your Choice :; V -,5Jr TO rfllffT Let terms be the least of your wor- " IT A D T T O I "V7" For the farmer, ranchman, cattle- ' fc'l 1 4 M I Wi IS VI 13 ries' They wiu be aanged to suit IJ) J A K I ilKLi I . man or stockman who finds it in- l p A XSKS&.. '-S V? 11 Y-O-U. And the almost unbeliev- , convenient to pay every month ; l"q "TPTTa T4 ?r ab'y low terms we are r-iaWne dur- JI I C ye A IP I V our quarterly, half yef.rly or yearly EH, I It Sf ' inS tllis sale wi11 make i1; possible 1 1 "IlLi - 1 ti-i.lli I terms are a great convenience. Our ' M iLAlV JJ. for every home to have a high-grade . T motto is: "Sell the instrument on f- - piano or player-piano. vi I EjAiL I tenns that are most convenient for .! I &aim-M&EEMmie Cfa. Senl ,he coupon Toa!!: ; p V3231iOSSSKK j Daynes-Beebe Music Co., (Trib.) : m tosEpffMYNes jtfiOESiaeNr cafitAz.zso,ooo.oo 61-3-5 Main Street, ! : ; "OLDER. THAN THE STATE OP UTAH" Salt Lake City, Utah. i N I) M Pkll TOp Q A I I I A K 17 Gentlemen: Please send me catalogues, prices and terms; t 1 liii 1 10 fcjlLl I Lilil ; of your Special Sale Offers. This does not obligate inc. '; ;: " (R. R. Fare within 300 miles, both to and from Salt Lake, r i ;! refunded to out-of-town buyers.) Name ; j FREIGHT PREPAID to Year R. R. Station 1 1 3 ' : CASCO -21s in. Clyde -2'ain. mAbrow Collars. FOR SPRING Cluetl.Peabody V Ca Inc. Maker I Perfect Teeth Insure Good Health Perfect teeth mean thorough mastication, and (borough mast I ballon in most cases means good health. The care of t hi teeth cannot be.ln too early, and special t tent ion shou Id be given t o children's teel h during j. their school days. The reason for 1 nt kwontness in many children is traced to improper eating, due to the poor condition of their leeth. If you will r give proper attention to your teeth while you are young you will' b well repaid an you grow older. Form the luibit of polng to the old reliable UNION ' DENTAL COMPANY, and having your teeth thoroughly examined, say. j two or lhr'e time a year. One of their five masier dentisln will iv you ' careful and conscientious at ten! io n, telling you truthfully jUHt what you ; reouire and the cost of the woik. ' i iWSllTffWJ POPULAR I lWl:hUM prices ; a i f , yuJ Gold Crowns ?5.00 ! IV"- V' ' 6 Bridge Vork $5.00 ; v Gold Inlays, Y , ?2.00to $5.00 ; 1, r4", J Porcelain Fillings, UufjH t $2.00 to $2.50 i J Silver Fillings $1.00 ' j. r b !'" 3 1 ' it? Very Best Set , ; J of Teeth (Tru- . b ' (' i " t byte Teeth) $10.00 TEETH POSITIVELY EXTRACTED WITHOUT PAIN. The "I'M'JN"' uki Hi" vi rv hcvt n.ji :: ImIk (,l,t.iln:.l,.. ;:i,r iin'Ofrll-tionally iin'Ofrll-tionally cunranlwi Ml work. Kx.'iiiiliiatibns fice. Flic c.xjm-iL ilcntislH. Five Udy a 1 1 ?: t: t m. FIFTEEN YEARS I rsl THE SAME LOCATION. it THE OLD RELIABLE, t UNION DENTAL COMPANY 21? Main St. Phone Wasatch 1125. Dr. . J. Dullln charne. The Tribune Gives Your Wants the Largest Circulation. |