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Show STRONG EVIDENCE OF FAITH P. C. Schramm's Guarantee That Hy-omei Hy-omei Will Cure the Worst Case of Catarrh in Salt Lake. When one of the rnost reputable concerns con-cerns in Salt Lake guarantees that a medicine will effect a cure or he will refund the money. It speaks volumes as to the merits of that remedy. It is in this way that F. C. Schramm is selling Hyomel, the treatment that has made so many remarkable cures of both acute and chronic catarrh in Salt Lake and vicinity. Hyomel Is not a pill nor is it a liquid that has to be taken with a tablespoon or wineglass. Just breathe It by the aid of an Inhaler lhat comes In every outfit nnd benefit will be seen from the first treatment. Complete Hyomel outfit costs but $1.00, and Includes an Inhaler, dropper and sufficient Hyomel for several weeks' treatment. Remember that if Hyomel does not cure you F. C. Schramm will refund your money. This Is a good time to cure catarrh by this natural method and prevent catarrhal colds that are so common at this season. CURE FOR HAY FEVER. Hyomel Is a positive cure for the sneezing, watering of the eyes, excessive exces-sive running at at the nose, and Intense burning of hay fever. It soothes and heals the irritated mucous membrane and gives quick and lasting relief. iH BRILLIANCY jh f&iM WsS ing perfect brewing an3 $Eto18B If Cpf Jm' fermentation. t&zSt f 1l Brilliancy is olvaya found in beer if r M "c?-I "'jfifj m the brewing and mashing has been Vtfft W MjSvflO properly conducted, and the fenuen- j B ffi(0 1 JsA tstion of the brew completed under llK &:S&fy a careul scientific regulation of W temperature. No other beer made x& ii l ""j iff! Bohemian in this quality of brill- rsj j JW fill H P & ' 1111 v xmcy It is gained by the unrcmit- ffA J If Iffi&ljMjMiy tiug watchfulness bestowed upon each Jjj i t I fhm .,1 . brewing, and without the use of ft? 1 j chemical preservatives, thus giving A' ; j exhilarating beer. i ' I "Tho only beer bottled exclusively at Ihc Brewery" lpMO THE AMERICAN BREWING CO, WfM ' II st. louis, u.s.a.' &mtWwf W TL M. GURNSEY, Wholesale Dealer. pSi ' "TTnTTii 1 1 1 1 iTTiivrm ii""iin rn iw;rn r iiVirrii'i'iivfir VMiLMi i'iVV iun"hti-n' CTT0'- . ! Our Big Sensational Cloth-! ing Sale continues this week ; ! Hundreds havo been hero and "have gone away rejoicing. , There's an opportunity for hundreds more to fit out at about half the value of the goods. S SUITS UP TO $20,00CtlOICE $9.75, Suits $20 to ?30 one-fourth off. Boys' and children's cloth- j ing one-fourth off. Men's odd pants 25 per cent off. ROWE KELLY C,9 i 1 132 MAIN STREET. j PLAIN FIGT'RER. ONE PKICE TO ALL. PAY WHEN CURED! 'I I F Y0U COME TO ME AND 1 TELIj & ffi3) you that I can cure you rve got g 3 Tstffl confidence enough In m7 treatment to h - 11 i!Jb & taIte a11 the chances. I am curing hun- $ C a dreds of weak men and women every : H day, and I know what I can cure and i Vm '-ff&k S iPfe?2, wnat 1 can't- If you wlu secure me yu ? !j v i jiil "oed not pay untl1 cured I SSB Weak, Puny Men ? imujltW I know that no man remains a weak- S i -&MMSir ,InfT becausc he wants to. I am sure 1 kS?5vfe5 tllat you want to overcome every Indl- ekjw$nl r'-ii?? cation of early decay that has shown 5 viiSftksd Itself on you. I don't think the man k V Kf?JmM 1Ives wh0 would not llko t0 feel 43 blS R IS viwA an( stron as a Sandow, and I know j- vW-WrwJvj'H tnat lf you have a reasonable founda- 2 j ri1'VK tlon to build upon I can make you a 3 feJAViswe?1 bigger man than you ever hoped to be. 'C 1 v'ant yu t0 know that, you who timWMitK cant believe It. and I want you to have Z 'W&i my book in which I describe how I k "S vi 2? learned that strength was only elec- u trlclty, and how I learned to restore It; also I want to "Jell you the names D r of some men who will tell you that when they cam? to me they were v physical wrecks, and are now among the finest speclnxans of physical & 7 manhood. j I want you to read my book and learn the trut about my argu- V ments. If you are not as vigorous as you would like to be. If you have S jj rheumatic pains, weak kidneys, oss of vitality, prostatic troubles, ner- fe vous spells, varicocele or any ailmont of that kind that weakens you. It ft would assure you future happlnsss If you would look Into this method 4 of mine. Don't delay It, your best, days are slipping by. If you want g this book I send It closely scaled free If you send this ad. J Dr. M. T. McLaiaghaEn,.11 i A Throbbing SfiveS of Activity is the great steel, mining- and W I mercantile, center of tho Rocky mountain region : I PUEBLO- I i I 1 and tho nowspaper you must M I road to get the news of this ft 3 busy center, or, in fact, tho i wholo Stato of Colorado, is the ' fl Centennial State's great news- N paper , THE 1 CHIEFTAIN 5 ' ? Established 1868. j h i t 65 cents a month by mail. J '. On all Colorado trains. 3 Throw St Away Rather than have your watch handled by incompetent workmen. We guarantee our watch repairs. Reasonable Prices. .COTTON FELT f ySs Better i3xan any Eastern make. W1D cost you leas money. Ask your deal-ox deal-ox for them. Look for our trademark. trade-mark. Utah Bedding & MTg Co., Salt Iiako City. Utah. IF YOU 'NEED THEM Get glasses. There aro Indisputable Indis-putable Indications of falling eyesight which we have enumerated enumer-ated time and again foi ycrjr guidance. If you are still uncertain, un-certain, call Our examinations aro thorough, complete, satls-'optnrv satls-'optnrv and free. I The building- recently 0;, f rrh ' pied by tho New York Cac jtmi'T& C Store, near tho corner of Jtfaiu laa''"' I and Second South sts., hns bec-a f 'P?' j rented by rf ' j ' MESSRS. I THE CLOTHIER'; jm( I Formerly of Binghai,. i Junction, and Aftc. llfef e July 20th will 1 Wr j be known as .fll i I The Leader ilp Z Mr. Baron is at present (1 'flllS t tho East malring extensive p I chases in men's, youths' a. i3Hh1 i children's clothing. By p: - :J i chasing- tho very latest 1 , s ' best clothing which East.:, t $nW markets afford, there seems , y Wl be no doubt that the Mestr , 1 Baron will conduct an up- s igl fat date store In every particulm L -Sk 1 I KEEP YOUR -m IHANDSSOFl Mb No -woman likes to ha j hard, rough hands. Jbi f Rubber Gloves )jm& (1 Are a great invention for kee( "'-SfflM Im.i yZ ing tho hands soft while dolr tHL .. 15 housevorlc. The rubber Is vei '-'VtMi thin, ho as not to lntcrfcro wll VfiB'cr IjS working. It is tough, and 1r3 lhv( fiw a loni; time. It comes In tn i !iZBanh' Vflp shadca. maroon and white, l! &mm-i -l Ak ual prlco lit $1.25. Wo bought i .wMtp'd many at one tlmo that the dl pBt v count allows us to sell the ?1 yliL &P duality at SI .00. Como any 6 IHl1 flfo on a pair of theso gloves and 1jHE'0 mj7 us tell you more about them. -flEBfe00 Druehl & FranKen oHv tDBTJGGISTS, jSIVcl Southeast Corner Main or llTb Third South Streets, Salt' 1W0: Lake City. sB!a air "IT HAPPENS IT flS"" JTJLT." ill a The One Great 1 Of any importance 0 semi-annual clearance Hrtrei 30 to 50 per cent off tire stock. raf 238 and 240 Main St 'Phor fli OFFICE OF THE CONSTRU ' W Mtc Quartermaster, 512 Dooly bulldln mfJu Lake City, Utah. July 9. yMbvv posals in triplicate will bo recolv .f until 11 a in., standard time, Av. Wla MW and then opened for tho cons; ; HJl of macadam roads and cement r h;hc Fort Douglas. Utnh. Bidders vl irc. r their bfds iho time in which ti . IK oompfete the work. Full Informal blank forms of proijosala t urplshcj 1 plication to this ofllco Pljns an i'w'l iioitions may be seen here. Unltej . M lrosolTs thought to accept or re ljj; or all proposals, or any part tberc velopcs containing proposals to m , dorsed "Proposals for Roads and - M hZ and addressed to Captain Sam'I A 1 W Quartermaster. , 1 Gardner 4, ' if 1 Gardn l NEWSE 4 Jvl 11.5 - B. T NEWS . r- $1.50, $1.75, $2,00 I After six days of record-breaking clothes selling in our Great Summer Sale there still $1.50 Underwear at j j Shirts at $100 remans a st0ck of extraordinary Bargains large enough to overstock half a dozen ordinary I ' $100 Shirts ... 75c j stores, and some of the most important offers are still here, giving you the same opportu- $1.00 Underwear af j i; 75c Shirts .... 50c. j nity enjoyed by the multitudes who profited by our sacrifices at the Great Sale's com- j C j I $2.00, $2.50, $3.00 mencement 75c Underwear at j J and $3.50 Felt Outing Suits and the regular three-piece Suits of this season's prevailing styles are '50c jj p I flats .... $1,75 here for you with all the Profit knocked off. 35'c u0Sg e f 2 j AU Straw and Unen One f F ADHIVIKO 136138 35c and 50c Sus- g Hats Surprisingly Price O. f . UiiIJlinKf Main Street pstlders ' Nl I Reduced. the quality store. 50c Ties . . . - 2 l& H II 8 .uimi f 4b'110 CMMBBeaMaMaBMMSBgff0ny'gMfiaCaaMBaHBagaai 1111111 " MtM liai 111 '''' W'11':' . ?, 4l |