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Show MAIN STREET 1 1 Ex-Mayor Thompson Is il the Purchaser. Buys the Hawkins Block for i j I Some Ninety Thousand - ! . . . t IH This iand Other Recent Transfer H Show the Upward Tendency of ( Bfl Salt Lake Realty. Ex-Mayor Ezra Thompson and J. D. I Murdock yesterday becamo the owners of one more valuable business property , in Salt Lake City, they having pur- chased from Frank M. Wilson the '11 Hawkins block, tho two-otory building j at 216-220 South Mjiln street, with 49&X 165 feet of ground, the consideration ; having been $90,000. The deal was ne- I'bI gotlated by W. J. Halloran. the well- lfl known real estate man. This is tho largest and most lmpor- j'jl ,tant real estate deal made In Salt Lake 'I City during the present year. Consld- , I ered In tho light of the modern adage 'j that "money talka." it speaks volumes for the value of business property In . , this city as a profitable Investment, and , of the confidence in the city's future ' ); entertained by business men of probity 'S and sound Judgment. '; jH In Heart of Retail District. y The Hawkins block Is In the very ' heart of the retail business district. It is at present occupied on the ground n floor; by the Hamilton cloak house and ' , the NIcol & Crabbe company clothing house, while the second floor is in of- A Ak an example of the handsome,' - Hl profits "to be made from this class of ll investments In thl3 city. It Is recalled IH that exactly live years ago the property f IH was sold to Mr. Wilson by Mr. Hal- , loran, for the Hawkiiis estate, for $50,- ' 000. Mr. Wilson has therefore madV t IH from his purchase a clean prolit of $10,- 8 ! 000 In live years" time, besides having I H realized from tho rent.iiM nr ih hmii.i. a 'H lng a good rate of Interest on the orlg"- H lnal investment. i H Future Advance Predicted. tl And yet the men who yesterday uur-- ( tjfll chased the property from Mr. Wilson 1 are confident that the Increase of value Ll will be just as great In the next five T years. The figure paid by them is up- il proximately J1S00 per front foot. Good. Il judges of Main street values under the IH present conditions agree that $2000 a 1 jl front foot would not be an excessively hJll high valuation for this class of proner- ty. and It Is freely predicted that with Al the completion of the new Federal gH building almost any of the property in . rLH that locality will be worth the mini- Jfl mum price of $2500 a front foot. MH Frank M. Wilson, who makes the sale I of the property, Is the owner of the New WiJson hotel, besides other valu- ' able holdings in the city. He has been yH considering the offer made by Thomp- fH sou and Murdock for some weeks past, - and it was with considerable hesitancy ' ' IH that he made up his mind to give up j ' what he knew to be a good thing. It 1 - was only the fact that he was making i IH a very handsome profit that finally In- jH duced him to accept the offer, his con- B elusion having been that when making -J IH almost 100 per cent profit on hl.i in- IH vestment in five years, aside from rcg- 1 ular Interest, he could afford to give H others the chance of making tho next i profit. ; Messrs. Murdock and Thompson n',so bv J own a great deal of good property in jH the city, and they are continually dl's- I H playing their confidence In Salt Lake ,1 H City's future by Investing In her real ': H estate the money they realize from H their large mining and other Interests. H Thin sale, following so closely the , sale two weeks ago to James Hogle of H the Scott-Strcvell six-story building for I H $75,000, and tho purchase by Ezra H Thompson within that time of two ' H properties on East Second South street H for $30,000, gives an excellent Idea of I IH tho strong condition of the Salt Lake H Realty market. It Is a known fact that H the number of such sales which might GH be made is virtually limited by the np- H portunltlcs to buy. Very few of the H owners of this class of property will i H even name a figure which they would ) H take for their holdings. Tho property ' H Is simply not for sale at any price. 1 : IH Others Want to Buy. v. ' fll A stranger In the city said yesterday H that If there were more properties In the city like the Hawkins block which H could be purchased at a like figure he would bo glad to invost. In reply to H this a well-known business man re? lH marked that there were properties IH which could be bought today at from hlH $200 to $500 a front foot which would nI surely make as great a gain in value mI In tho next nvo years us has been made ' In the last five years by the property j sold yesterday. This statement Is IH based upon a close knowledge of what ftl the growth of tho city must be, with the new railroads that are being built 1 jH to the city, with the enlargement nnd Vl development of the smelting and ml- tllH nlng industry and the great Irrigation llH projects which are bejng Inaugurated , fH by the Government for the three best lvI ngrlcultund valloys on the continent. HI H Ex-Mayor Thompson will not erect a . I j H new building on the property just pur- '.f 'l chased; ut present, slnco the premlseo 'T'l arc under a two years' lcaso. rl iiH |