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Show THREE MEN BLAMED FOP. BOMB ACCIDENT Oliver Due, Kid Austin and Oscar Anderson An-derson May Have to Face ChaTge of Criminal Negligence. Special .to Tho Tribune, OGDEN. July 11. Oliver Due. Kid Austin Aus-tin and Oscar Anderson, in all probability will havo to stand trial on a charge of criminal negligence, resulting ln the death of Daniel Shpo and Charlotte Clark at Glenwood Park on the night of July 4. Arthur Kuhn. Fred M. Nye and Frank Grant, the Coroner's Jury empanelled by Judgo Howell, tonight returned a verdict holding tho men named responsible for tho explosion which killed Shupc and Miss Clark. Warrants have nlready been sworn out for the arrest of tho men and aro now ln the hands of officers for service ser-vice It 13 sold that Austin and Due are the two men most responsible and they have left tho city. Tho officers claim to know where they aro and will attempt to apprehend ap-prehend them at once. The full text of tho verdict Is not known, as tho court declined de-clined to give It out. The inquest excited a great deal of attention at-tention and lasted throughout tho entire day. County Attornej Uulanlskl appeared ap-peared In behalf of tho State and Attorney Attor-ney Richards represented tho Glenwood Park company. Attorney Lesscnger appeared ap-peared in behalf of tho Interests of tho bhupo family and Charles Stout appeared Tor tho relatives of Miss Clark. Nearly twenty witnesses were examined, but the principal one was Oscar C Anderson Ander-son of Salt Lake City, who was one of the men accused of responsibility for tho explosion. Anderson testified that he was a bartender and that he had' acted at the request of one of tho Runnier brothers, broth-ers, who had fallen from a trapezo and broken his arm, to act in his place In assisting as-sisting Duo and Austin In discharging of the lire-works. He did not know who employed the Rennlor brothers. The witness wit-ness 6a Id that ho did not put tho bomb in tho mortar, but that this was done by Mr. Due. The witness had Ignited a skyrocket, sky-rocket, which is supposed to havu ignited some of tho other pieces. He said that 1 the bore of tho moruir wns about threo inches in diameter, that tho gun was about twenty-four Inches high and was about a quarter of an Inch in thickness and was made of castlron. Tho bomb was twelvo Inches In length and was supposed sup-posed to be placed In the mortar with the fuse downward. Ono bomb had been tired when tho mortar burst. IIo was standing on the platform and was blinded for a moment by tho explosion. Ho declared that neither he, Austin nor Mr Due wero drunk. Tho other witnesses merely testified as to what occurred at tho lime of the explosion. ex-plosion. Fred Shellls, an expert on fireworks, fire-works, when shown tho bomb, testified that It 6hould havo been placed In tho mortar with tho fuse upward. Ho said that ha witnessed tho firing of the mortar mor-tar and tho pieces just preceding It, and had expressed an opinion at tho time, that the man who wa3 doing It was cither a fool or drunk, as ho saw him llro a skyrocket In such a position as to ignlto the other pieces on tho stand. Mr. Shellls said that tho bomb did not go off until after tho other fireworks had exploded and that ho had understood that several persons had been slightly Injured, by other pieces than tho explosion of the bombshell. bomb-shell. A road tax election for increasing the levy of tho districts of Randall and Wilson, Wil-son, to increase the tax levy for road purposes, was held today. Tho result of tho election has not reached the city, but it Is understood that the proposition has carried ln both precincts, The balloon ascension which wan scheduled sched-uled to como off from tho city Bquare this evening turned out to bo a rank lizzie. After sovoral Ineffectual attempts to lntlato tho balloon It was finally Inflated, In-flated, but tho aeronaut did not go with It when 11 arose As soon as the big crowd realized that they had been fooled thoy mado rather serious demonstrations, threatening tho personal safety of tho follow, fol-low, and Officer Horrlck took him to tho rollce station, whore ho was hold until the crowd dispersed. Tho man's name Is Frysbee and ho claims that no fake was Intended, and that the balloon had been cut looso before he was aware of It. Tho City Council tonight passed tho ordlnanco providing for an nsphnlt pavement pave-ment on Wall atrcot, between Twenty-fourth Twenty-fourth and Twenty-fifth strcots. It also passed a number of ordinances providing for curbing and guttering on various Mrects. Fred J. Klosel petitioned tho Council to open Klcscl alley, which rum from Wall avenuo 300 feet east to tho middle of tho block. Tbo mnttor was ro-forrcd ro-forrcd to the- Streets committee. Tho ordlnanco opening Hudson nvonuo Jo to be repealed upon request of tho petitioners. peti-tioners. , . Judge Howell this evening received a l.-tter from Mrs. Amanda Sullivan, at GiVrrott, Ind., In which sho acknowledges So receipt of tho nlcturo which was found on tho body of the young man killed on tho cut-off somo weeks ago, and says that It Ih the picture of Joseph Butler of that place, who was killed five years ago. but that ho loft a sen who was somowhero In the West, and she thinks the dead boy Is that son. The list of races for the big bicycle meet at the Weber County Fair grounds next Sunday was given out tonight. They aro: Ten-mile automobile rnce; llvc-mllo professional pro-fessional lap race; three-mile open professional, profes-sional, tandem paced; half-mile professional profes-sional handicap; tlve-mlle open lap, tandem tan-dem paced; one-mile amateur handicap; half-mile Weber county championship, local riders. About forty riders will participate, consisting con-sisting of the entlro bunch now at tho Salt Palace, containing some of the fastest fast-est in the world. Miss May Duffy died this morning at tho family residence, 2S4S Jlngree avenue. The funeral will he held at 2 o'clock tomorrow. to-morrow. A marriage llceirae was iHsued yesterday lo John T. Murphy, aged 23, and Annie A. Fceney, aged IS, both of Salt Lake, County Clerk Holllngsworth has returned re-turned from his onstern trip. Somo radical changes have taken place at the Pacific hotel. The dining-room has been cut down to one-half Its original size, and the lunchroom enlarged In proportion. pro-portion. e The Board-of County Commissioners today to-day disposed of tho following routine matters: mat-ters: Supnrlnlendent Flvgarc of the Ogden Og-den & Northwestern railroad asked permission per-mission to construct a sidetrack at North Ogden. Referred to Commissioner Stan-lord Stan-lord Mr. Stanford reported having visited the, poor farm and found everything ln good fehape. Mr. Fowers reported that he had ad-Justed ad-Justed the Larson fence difficulty at Ilar-rlsvllle Ilar-rlsvllle by having the fenco removed. Mr. Wilson reported having visited tho route of the proposed road between Rich and Weber counties with Surveyor Crn-ven, Crn-ven, and that tho survey for the road had been made. Tho State Board of Sheep Commission-era Commission-era notified tho board that the levy for the coming1 year would bo 3 mills on tho dollar. . R. L. Davis was arrested today by Sheriff Sher-iff Bailey, charged with obtaining money under falso pretenses. George Walts. Walker West, Phil Plana und Charles Molghan have gono to Blacksmith's Black-smith's Fork canyon on a fishing trip; William Henry Mooro of Wilson was found dead in bed thl3 morning at hid homo In that precinct. IIo was tho son of Wlllard Mooro and wns 19 years of age. Tho young man had been troubled with epilepsy, but appeared ln his usual hoalth yestcrdav. Ho evidently died ln an epl-loptlo epl-loptlo ill. Tho funeral will bo hold tomorrow to-morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock from the Wilson mcotlng-houae. . o f Mrs. Ella Channoll has filed In the District Dis-trict court a petition to bo appointed guardian of Myrtle Channell, a minor. a Guy C. Martin of Rock Island 13 In own. H. C. Williamson of Montlcollo Is ln tho city. |