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Show PRIMARIES IN TEXAS. Result on State Offices-Knovm, Except Ex-cept One. . HOUSTON. Tex., July 11. The result of the primaries of Saturday on State offices'" Is now known, on all offices except ex-cept that of Attorney-General. There are four candidate for tho position, R. V. Davidson of Galveston, L. S. Schiller Schil-ler of Marlon, D. E. Simmons of Marion and W.- C. Weir or Hlll- Davidson- has ajhaad.vbut not la majority aifJh$ma.t-tei-will go to tho State 'convention for determination. The candidates who won In the primaries, pri-maries, that being equivalent to an election, are: Governor. S. W. T. Lan-ham; Lan-ham; Lieutenant-Governor, George D. Neal; Comptroller, J. W. Stevens; Treasurer, J. W. Robbina; Land Commissioner, Com-missioner, J. J. Terrell;' Superintendent of Public Instruction, R. B. Cousins; Railroad Commissioner, Alison Mav-field; Mav-field; Justice of the Supreme court. T. Brown; Judge of the Court of Criminal Crimi-nal Appeals1, M. M: Brooks. In the Congressional contest only one district is ln doubt, that being the Eighth, where Congressman John M. Pinckney and O. T. Holt are contestants. contest-ants. The result depends on tho vote ln Grimes county, where there Is a contest for the convention to decide.- The Congressional ticket follows: For United. States Senator, Charles A. Culberson; Cul-berson; Congressmen, First district. Morris Sheppard; Second, C. M. Brooks; Third, Gordon Russell; Fourth, C. B Randall; Fifth, John Beall; Sixth, Scott Field; Seventh. A. W. Greggs; Eighth. In doubt; Ninth, G. F. Burgess; Tenth A. E. Burleson; Eleventh. R. L. Henry' Twelfth, O. W. Gillespie; Thirteenth. John H. Stephens; Fourteenth. J. T. Slayden; Fifteenth. John N. Graner; Sixteenth, William R Smith, |