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Show ASSESSMENT NO. G. iMmU Old Evorgreen Mining and Tunnel com- pany, Big Cottonwood mining district, 1 Salt Lako county, Utah. Principal placo 1 of business, Salt Lako City, Utah. H Notice Is hcroby given that at a meet- jH lng ot tho board of directors of the Old H Evergreen Mining and Tunnel company, H a corporation, held at the office of tho IH company, at Salt Lake City, Utah, Tues- jH (ay, the 23th day of June, 19, an assess- H ment of 3 cents per share was lovled upon , tho capital stock of the corporation, pay- IH able Immediately to II. G. McMillan, soc- retary and treasurer of tho company, at H his office, No. 161 South Main street, Salt IH Lake City. Utah. Any stock upon which , (jl Laid assessment may bo unpaid on tho H 30th day of July, 1904, will be delinquent nnd advertised for salo at public auction. H and unless payment 13 made before, will H be sold at my ofllce on the 22nd day of , H August 19l, at 2 o'clock noon, to pay ' H delinquent assessment, together with tho H cost of advertising and exponso of sale. H (SeaL) HENRY G, M'MILLAN. MmU Secrutarv. H No 1C1 South Main Street, Salt Lake H City' Utah. June 23 1F0I. x 2TiS7 H |