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Show Miners' Headquarters May- Be Removed Western Federation Considering Plans to Remove to Lead, S. D. DENVER, July 11. Secretary William Wil-liam D.. Haywood of the Western Federation Fed-eration of Miners has- returned from the Black Hllla district, where he rpent part of last week. His principal mission mis-sion there was for the consideration of moving the headquartera of the federation federa-tion from Denver to Lead, S. D. Ever since the arrest of President Moyer, over three- months ago, the feasibility of removing the headquarters has been under consideration. The recent convention con-vention of the federation voted the executive ex-ecutive board full authority in the matter. Secretary Haywood raid he was ready to give bonds for his appearance ap-pearance at Cripple Creek on the charges of conspiracy and murder In connection) with the- Victor riot on June C. ' |