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Show COTTON MILLS RESUME. Twenty-Five Thousand Operatives Are Again at Work. FALL RIVER, Mass., July 11. Most of tho Fall River cotton mills resumed operations op-erations today, aftor a tcn days' shutdown. shut-down. Many of the manufacturers aro tiring of the curtailment policy which has been In forco hero nearly four months, and as aoon as u now agreement, now be-in? be-in? worked out by many members of tho Fall Rlvor Manufacturers' association, Is formallv absented to. It Is expected tho mills will be moro active. Tho operatives, of whom thero are moro than 23.000 In the cloth mills, oro restlejs over tho situation. They havo nustulncd a Ions In wngea during dur-ing the spring and summur amounting to a reduction of -10 por oent. Tho toxtllo unlono expect a revision in wages will bo made whloh will bo a reduction of 10 per cent. |