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Show mm clark 1 A BENEDICT vp Been Married for I Three fears. j,-; Wife Was Miss Anna E. ijjj La Chappolle of Ifl Butte. ldlng Occurred in Marseilles, :rraDce, on liny 25, 1001 Couple Save Two-Yenr-Old Daughter. .ii' :jlal to Tho Tribune. XEW YORK, July 11. Senator Wll- 'a in A. Clark. of Montana. Is a, benedict. 1 lis -wedding- occurred In Maxselllen. ffi tor.ee, on May 25, 100L This an-;cunmcnt an-;cunmcnt -was given out here today. jpi" I? T.lfe was Miss Anna E. La Chap-iUe Chap-iUe of Butte. Her father was a well-sown well-sown physlclnn who died In Arizona weral years ago, victim of an accident t the United Verde mines. It Is also ifC itcounced that Senator and Mrs. Clark '( ce the parents of a two-year-old tanjrhter. f Was His "Ward. '5J The romance which culminated In & lli marriage really boj?an many years i?o, when Mrs. Clarlc was much too r:nnff to ltnow anything- about it. It is 'tlfbly probable that the Senator from -I ilonlcua didn't suspect the beginning; iliher. He Just delved into his pockets J ..J ..U .ml- . . . HI IIUU MU. -lilL" ULlie liUIlljy Illllbl. uo Stoked after." It's a way the Senator 5 tas v.hen he is fond of people, just us ire'ry one knows he can Lu an Impla- :3ble enemy when he isn't. I The little family that bo made up his sjfcnind must be looked out for had Just pt its head in an accident In Senator I'Jaark's great minus, the United Verde, f jt Jerome. Ariz. The father, who was J; handsome French Canadian, had left "' I1I5 wife and childron In straitened clr-: clr-: cajn5(ance5. There was a whole brood (illitle ones to bo looked out for. nnd v isly ord poor, grief -stricken woman to , toll. Tne on ner of the mine acted just as hy Bood-hearted billionaire, himself j Jbt father of four sons and daughters. : might be expected to when his heart ifas touched. He put his hands Into . tit pockets and tried to make amends ; for the calamity that had befallen the Jjfaiully of a man who hail been In his I tmploy. So It happened that Anna La Chap-,111 Chap-,111 beenne Uie billionaire's ward. He fwk upon himself the education of her iml her slsterH. f This "Was Years Ago. fThat was more than a dozen years Eo, and Anna was a curly haired Utile Ut-ile tomboy. If the Senator saw her at ill, he probably scarcely noticed her, tut very early in life she must have bd an appreciation of the fact that she ,tid a mighty nice sort of a guardian. She had advantages thaothers of her playmates couldn't get, and. very Qalckly it came to be an open secret Init there was a magician back of her itli a sliver wand and a horn of plen-'. plen-'. So In the town of Butte she grew V womanhood. With her splendid Physique Miss La Chappelle had developed de-veloped a voice of great power and wauty in the Copper city, and later she vas sent to Forest Glen seminary In Washington. In Washington a brll-.jlant brll-.jlant future was predicted for her by Jm- teachers and schoolmates. After , remaining in the Seminary a. year, she lled for France to begin her musical studies In Paris She was enthusiastic and so was the Senator. !fc Trru i. -rji , . . , nuui jrunsians jfretucted. fin Paris she was received with acclamations. ac-clamations. It was predicted that Mon-.tana Mon-.tana would have the honor of giving a new prima donna to the world, and iVV11 thei'e M,3S La Chappelle dc-fTAta dc-fTAta that when she made her debut pWould be under the name of her na-fve na-fve State In appearance sho was so trench that she was rarely taken for 1 American, and during the : three Int 6h0 5PQnl ,n Pnrl8 she acquired I" the accent and manner to make her' seem absolutely foreign. L Pai'lsianB believed her to be W0T the great American heiresses', but RV.6?!! hey, heard about her billionaire S . 1 hey dded their heads and predated the nlc,est sort of romantic uwLU?0.n to the affalr Thlte or for nr,u ,. , been' enounced that thulr prcuictlons have been fulfilled, but each pielth,er ailss Ija Chappelle or the oviialor hag denied the. statement. 1 ' Mrs. Grundy Has Talked. Gi?rl 8l.n,ce lhe deaUl of Senator Slu. ,"nuVl5r?bIe llmcs 'nurrled him off, la n It be said to attractive Jf nlxty-flve, nearly leu 'years mS?LU.lan, Senator- Depew. whoso S'T,, Place about two years 1' Hc,is alert. active, vigorous, wiry. f H-emendous energy. H1b eyes a.nir and Piercing; hla hair is vfih tUd, but s"h"y streaked IS Sachet a brOWa beUrd and a "ntlvi?, ,HVaa mar'"Ied. and fo persls-nuj persls-nuj , wao ib reported that people began h?. 'ha La. ,ChPe"e. She. and Tphlr i'' ,d had beei1 elected ISl Juu benatr 8 yearly Incomo of flSSnrf n" doars derived from 2 not ?old and mt"c-s of copper, from iSm tUt,ons; f,om Potations, Itmi,,es' from street railways |