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Show NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Estato of Hannah A. Jones, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to tho undorslgncd at No. 424 D. '. Walker building. Salt Lake City, Utah, on or before the 14th day of Soptcmbcr, A. D. 1904. LYLJTH 'A WEBBER, Administratrix of tho Estate of Hannah A. Jones, deceased. Dato of first publication, May 11, A. D. 1S01. w!272 IN THE DISTRICT COURT, PROBATE division, ln and for Salt Lake county, Stato of Utah. In the matter of tho estate es-tate of Lotltla S. Kclsey, deceased. Notice. No-tice. Tho petition of Lewis P. Kclsoy, administrator admin-istrator of tho estate of Lctltia J. KolBey, deceased, for confirmation of the sale of tho following-described real estate of said decedent, tc-wlt: An undivided five-twenty-fourths (5-24) interest In tho Miners' Home lodo mining claim, known aa United States lot 131. containing 5.601 acres, situated sit-uated In West Mountain district. Salt Lako county, Utah, for tne sum ot JlwsC.CC; and upon tho following terms, to wit: Cash upon confirmation, as appears from the return re-turn of sale, filed In thin court, has been set for hearing on Monday, the 16th day of May. A. D. 1901. at 10 oMock a. m.. at the county courthouse, ln tho courtroom of said court, in Salt Lako OI ty. Salt Lako county, Utah. Witness tho Clerk of said court, with the seal thereof affixed, this Dth day of May, A. D. 1904. fSeal JOHN JAMES. Clerk. By David B. Davles, Deputy Clerk. Lawrence & Shoup, Attorneys lor" Petitioner. Peti-tioner. t 560 |