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Show DOMESTIC TROUBLES AIRED ON THE CORNER By administering in public tho discipline which should be confined to tho sucrcd precincts of tho home, Belle Trlco caused two arrests about 11 o'clock last night. Belle's Inferior half Is named Henry. When Henry yets out of his wife's sight ho Is Inclined to bo convivial. Ho got out of his wlfo's sight last evening with tho usual results. Mrs. Trice started out to look for Henry. Sho found him at thu cornor of Miln and Second South streots and ordered him to come homo. Henry, Inspired to unusual daring by the stuff ho had Imbibed, broke into open insurrection and declared that ho would not go home until ho got good and ready. Belle was breathless with a.stonlshmont at this dellanco of her authority, bat, when she did recover her breath, she lost no time In chastising tho presumptlous rebel. Sho landed first on his eye. enmo again on the chest nnd hiul Henry going with a Jolt in the Jaw when Officer Ed Palmer camo to the rescue. Palmer was Just in time to prevent a knockout. Ho seized the redoubtable Belle from tho back and hold her long enough to convince con-vince her that she was under arrest. Husband and wife were, taken to tho station, whero tho former was booked on tho charge of drunkenness and the latter on the charge of assault and battery. |