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Show SIGNIFICANT DEAL IN REAL ESTATE Business Proporty on tho "West Side That Increased 150 Per Cont in Value in Two Years. ILLUSTRATOR of the trend of the real estate demand in this city and tho rapid advajico of values during the last few years, with tho average aver-age citizen scarcely realizing that there has been an advance, Ls the deal consummated con-summated yesterday by which J. M. Anderson, of the Anderson Real Es-tato Es-tato Investment company, bccsjne tho possessor of seventy-four feet frontage on tho north side of South Templo street, ten rods east of Second Weat street, the consideration having been $7325, or virtually 5100 per front foot. Tho sale was mude by the Houston Real Estate Investment company for the, W. D. Palmer estate. Just a little over two years ago this same proporty prop-orty cost the Palmer estate leea than $2000, which means that the value has increased about 160 per cent in that time. And thero 1b no doubt that the new purchaser has splendid vnJuo In the ground at the price he ls now paying; pay-ing; it Is, in fact, as the real estate men would say. a genuine snap. Mr. Anderson Is a wise investor. He knows as well as any other man In the cits perhaps where property ls likely to in-creaso in-creaso In value most rapidly in the future, fu-ture, whore buildings for both rent and purchase will be in the greatest demand. de-mand. "I don't know yet just what will bo the character of tho Improvements I shull make on this property," Mr. Anderson An-derson said last night. "In fact, I may not decide until the new depot Is built. I bought the ground because I consider It a good Investment as It Is." Nevertheless, it is pretty well known that Mr. Anderson has a penchant for erecting good 'buildings on vacant ground of which ho comes into possession, posses-sion, and bo great Is the demand for good buildings In the part of the city in which his latest purchase has been made, It is not unlikely that a creditable cred-itable structure will be erected there very soon. |