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Show J the jnarrlago of Miss tJtfcirine C Culmer and Frank arrta will tako place at the home BfeW Parents, Mr. and Mrs. H. L.. ' Hjrii. y relatives and closo iBX, ui "dc m& Proom are to b& SK.1". noronco Culmor, a sister I Ki?VB t0 bo niald of honor, and VMyfrrt the best man. Dean Eddio e coicmony. tlBLrS?"1 entertained at a very lilEuT59 Part ,nst evening In - Mni GeorS F Downey WSJA"' J- Bubb and dfuightor, B ESilL'jy 051 Monday for Chicago, Wf will remain until next fall. m ' 1 ifir"'ril0maa Jeremy announco 4 gMit of their daughter Emma " W. r'ell " Thc marrlago will .i tonto time In June. It 'iryVEV0,1 u t0 b slvcn at tho , rtt7M- nd.M,rs- George Y. Wallaco R! ,f June ,l In honor of tho Bf'iSf.?18- TutUo oi St. T-oula. , 2invj. here shortly to visit nt KL ... Wallace No liTfTfft, issued, but all it, B!sll0P TutUc will bo most jtty J-. E11' Wrao of Mr. and Mra. John iMteS11 oi women's clubs, l,f-BK.,,m?r"lnB rr Su Louis to 'il?1 SHIon ot tho i W ration, of Women's clubs, ' IVS'i,rg.0 Z' ownoy leave ' Phttsli 5SKJn,Denv. after an ltht8..t Liiko friends. EShlfh tnc luncheon yes-W;BS yes-W;BS ho? ,, Mr1- Christopher B. Sttinilisft?nid Mlss Catherine' H K wi .iMap6 .f hoarta draped WSrtln. Thry3tal "llestlcka HM$ Vhow.Jh? VT pretty, place fcbiaV1, hiart ""coratlon, i Monogram of miBb Culmer, thc other of Mr. Roberts. In addition to tho guest of honor thoro wore present Mrs, Schoppe, Mrs. Hampton. Mrs. Georgo Odell. Mrs. J. Fred Odell, Mrs. Do "Wolfe of Beaver, Mrs, Arthur Lynn. yAs3 Howatt and Miss Rcbocca Morris. Mrs. Ed Tarsons of Denver is In tho city visiting her mother, Mrs. Sarah Mc-Chrystal. Mc-Chrystal. Harry Roberts has returned from a two wceka' visit In San Francisco. Mrs, Georgo Y. Wallace leaves today for a brief visit with Mr. and Mrs. Tuttlo of St. Louis. The Juniors of tho Salt Lako high school glvo a dancing party and recoptlon next Friday evening at Chrlatonsen's In honor of tho seniors. n Mr. and Mrs. T. a. Wobbor returned yesterday from a visit in Chicago. 1 n Tho children of the free kindergarten wore very dollshtfully entertained Thursday Thurs-day afternoon at the homo of Mrs. Sol Slegel. After enjoying childish games for an hour or more on thc beautiful lawn, refreshments were Fervcd, and be-foro be-foro their departure Mrs. Slegel prceontcd each of thc little ones with a potted plant. Mm. V P. Illskoy entertains at a linen shower thl afternoon In honor of Miss Grace Ifclkcs, whoso marrlago takes placo In June. Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Snyder gava a very enjoyable card party at tholr homo Thursdav evening, when n number of their frlonds enjoyod tho game of whist. Tho prizes were won by Miss Cora Snyder, Sny-der, Mrs. Bismarck Snyder, Kay Bowman Bow-man and Mr. Scholcs. Miss Bfslo Chandler has returned from New York, whore ehc has been attending school for tho past year, - Rev. Louis G. Reynolds leaves next mouth for California to spend tho summer sum-mer with Mrs. Reynolds, who has boen visiting In Sncramento for several months. Mrs, T. H. Smith was hoatcss at a very pleasant Kensington luncheon yesterday at hor home. Mr. and Mr. John Rood aro home from ' Ellus, Kan., whero they have been visiting I friends for tho past ten days. i ... , Miss Mabelle Klnnce of this city is en-I en-I Joying a few days' visit with BlngJiam frlcnd3. Mr. and Mr3. A. Ernest Force and children leave today for Now York, whero i they are to make their home. H Mrs. W. B. Short will return from Denver Den-ver next week, after a visit of several weeks with her daughter, Yesterday at the annual meeting of the Ladles' Literary club tho following officers offi-cers were elected for tho ensuing year: President. Mrs. Hal "V Brown: Urst vice-president. vice-president. Mra. A. J. Gorham; socond vice-president, Mrs. A. T Vollmer, recording re-cording secretary, M1&3 Linda Jessup; cor- I responding secretary, MrB. G. F. Stlehl; treasurer, Mrs. E. B. Crltchlow; librarian, Miss "lardley; critic, Mrs. JOcl L. Priest; historian, Mrs. J. C. E. King; directors for two years, Mrs. John W. Delano. Mra. Georgo W. Moyer and Mrs. R. C. Woodruff. Wood-ruff. Mrs. H C. Brownlco leaves today for a visit In St. Louis, and later will spend 8omo time In Colorado Springs. V Tho regular meeting of tho Plato club will bo helu this afternoon at 2;U o'clock at tho homo of Mrs. Dorsey Ash In the Louise flats. Mrs. Krlcbcl will be the hostess. Mr, and Mrs. Chorion Billings cele-brnted cele-brnted the first anniversary of tholr marrlago mar-rlago last evening at tho homo of Mr. and Mrs. John Wllhart. About forty friends passgd a vory delightful evening In an informal way. Many young people enjoyed thc danco at tho University last ovcnlng, guests of tho Bachelor Maids, The hall was very prettily decorated with orango and black, with palms and other pottod plants adding add-ing to tho effectiveness of tho decorations, Miss Gratia Flanders has Issued Invitations Invita-tions for a piano forte recital at tho First CJongrcgatlonal church next Thursday evening. Miss Flanders and her pupils will be assisted by Mlsa Agatha Borkhool, contralto. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Drury announco the marrlago of tholr daughter, Wlnnl-fred, Wlnnl-fred, to Georgo Mullin. Tho marriage took place In this city last Monday. 6 . And now comes tho official announcement announce-ment that Mrs. Robort J. Burdotlo haa declined to become a candidate for tho offlco of president of the General Federation Feder-ation of Women's clubs. Ever Blnco tho biennial convention at Los Angolca two years ago. at which time Mrs, Burdotto was prominently mentioned Jn connoctlon with tho presidency, tho bellof that Bho would bo a candidate at thjs convention has been gcnorally accepted. St. Louis irlends. however, havo been ad vised that Mrs. Burdctte will not allow her name to be presented. Speaking of the matter, a Los Angeles papor of rccont dato sold: "For heraolf MrB. Burdctto has qhoson wisely. Thoro lu, howover, In her lottor declining to bo a candidate a ring of steol that strikes sharply at somo of tho political po-litical mothodB that aro unfortunately gaining ground In women's clubs. Whon club politics degoncratos Into a misrepresentation misrepre-sentation of a woman's motives and character, woven togothcr with a tissue of lies, tho time will como If It Is not al-roady al-roady upon us when a woman, bo nha 'chaste as Diana and pure as snow.' will hesltato to accept an office that brings hor Into prominence." Tho beautiful grounds surrounding Rowland hall woro tho scene of a most delightful entertainment yesterday afternoon, after-noon, glvon by tho students of the school. Owing to tho dlsagrceablo wcathor, tho usual May day festival had to bo aban-I aban-I doned tills year, and the entertainment of vestorday afternoon was given as a I substitute, Yeetcrday'H programme won ' designed especially to ahow tho physical culture training given tho students of tho school from tho primary grade up through tho senior year, and a very Interesting Inter-esting exhibition It was. All the girls of the Bchool took part and gave exhibitions with Indian clubs, dumb bells, wands, tho Swedish nnd Emcrnon movements and tho Eaatorn templo drill, which Included the movements of the ancient flro worshipers, wor-shipers, The, exercises wero given on a largo stage erected purposely for the occasion. oc-casion. Tho stago was bright with decorations deco-rations of yellow, and with tho school flues of crimson and white, In addition to tho physical culturo oxcrclscs thcro woro tho May polo dance, tho stately minuet by eight of tho seniors In costume, cos-tume, and several vocal selections by various students, tho proKrammo closing with thc school song, rendered by all tho girls Between 200 aud 200 patrons and friends of tho achooj wero presont and very much enjoyed tho pleasing programme. pro-gramme. The Misses Lyda and Margaret Rusacll of Elko. Nov., aro guests of friends In Salt Lako and will remain hero about two woeka. |