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Show FLOOD WATERS OF THE DUCHESNE Gcrvemment Officials Will Measure tho Wator to Be Diverted to Salt Lake Valley. PROF. GEORGE A. SWENDSEN of the Government reclamation service ser-vice oxpects in a few days to send Engineer C. Tanner to the Duchesne Du-chesne river watershed to take the flood measurements of the streams whlclj it is proposed to divert to this valley. It will be remembered that tho low water measurements taken by Mr. Tanner during the winter fully bore out the estimates es-timates of the Utah Arid Land commission com-mission and met the expectations of the Government ofllclals who nre working on the greater Utah irrigation project, it having been found that 240 second-fe-et of water were available at that time. The flood waters of these streams, which are fed by the snows of several mountains reaching tho altitude of 14.-000 14.-000 feet, it is known are very great, and their conservation will add very materially ma-terially to tho supply to be brought through the range. Attorney F. 8. Richards, who returned a few days ago from a visit to Washington, Wash-ington, says that the reclamation officials of-ficials In the Interior department are highly gratified on account of the showing show-ing made by the stream measurements already taken, serving as they do to prove the practicability of the big Irrigation Irri-gation scheme so far, at least, as an ample supply of water at the necessary elevation Is concerned. This, of course, Is the really important featnro of the whole project, and the Interest being shown by the "Washington officials Indicates In-dicates that they consider It In that light. Without exception, Mr. Richards Rich-ards says, they look with favor upon the project and express willingness to spend all the money required to determine deter-mine the precise physical conditions. |