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Show 'DELINQUENT NOTICE. Central Gold Mining Company Principal Princi-pal place of business, Salt Lako City. Utah. , Notice. Ttfero aro dollnquont upon the following-described stock on account 6f aaseiHimont No. 1, levied on the 3rd day of Marah, 1904. the several amounts act op- Coslto the names of. tho respective flhare-olders, flhare-olders, as follows: No. Cert. Name. Shares. Am't 2 F. N. Cameron 20,000 0.00 6 J. W. Footo ,....2U son.oo 8-A. J. Teber lc,!T3 loo.OO 17 John Tenant a.M 45 Comer Thomas lo.oco 100 DO 62 Carlo Delplaa l.CCO :o.CO 67 J. W. Footo 18,667 1G0.(i7 K-A. J. Wober 8.233 63 33 07 C. Bonetti 1.000 10.CO 76 H, C Smith 1,000 io.oo SO F. N. Cameron H.CCT 140.G7 61 Allen Gorr 5,000 60.00 24-Carlo Delptaz ..v-i: l.WO 10.00 And in accordance with tho law and tho order of tho board of directors, made on tho 3rd day of March, 1901, so many shares of each parcel of stock ae may bo neces-nary neces-nary will be cold at public auotlon at tho office of the company, room 613 Dooly block, Salt Lako City, Utah, on Wednesday, Wednes-day, tho 27th day of April. 1S04, at 1 o'clock p. m., to pay the delinquent aa-nes9mont, aa-nes9mont, together with tho costs of 'advertising 'ad-vertising and expense of uale. MARK P. BRAFFET, sere tar j, |