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Show Shineed Up a Tree and fae Married Bride and Groom and Minister Seek !Reugo in Tree- Top From In-luriated In-luriated Steor. SUSQUEKL-VNNA, Pa., May. 13. Near Red Rock lived Mlsa Emma Swanzer and her accepted suitor, Charles Bangs, Recently they went to Great Bend to attend the wedding wed-ding of one of their friends and quarreled. quar-reled. "When it came time to go home, the Rev. Mr. Hunter of Gray's Corners Joined them. In a field adjoining the road was a ferocious Texas steer, the property of Farmer Osterhaut. At the farther end of the field there is a set of bars, and1 the trio reached the opposite side of the exit, ignorant of their impending danger, dan-ger, a second or so ahead of the steer. Bangs gave a cry of alarm and ran for some trees, a few feet ahead, closely followed by Mlsa Swanzer and the preacher. Bangs shinned up one and Miss Swanzer proved her agility by climbing another, assisted by the preacher, who go.vc her a lift before he sought safety In still another tree. The Infuriated animal ran around and around the trees, never stopping. Thinking Think-ing this an excellent time to reconcllo the pair, the minister began. His work was done, however, almost before he had begun. The couple desired to be married then and there, thinking they were to meet a tragic death, and the minister married them. The Texas steer bellowed the wedding march. "When he had concluded, con-cluded, Fanner Osterhaut and his, two sons drove up with a load of furniture from Blnghamton. An explanation was hastily spoken, the bride and bridegroom bride-groom and minister wore transferred to the wagon, and the joyful party drove to Mr. Bangs's home, where there .was -merrymaking. |