Show ODD TANGLES Word definitions unless otherwise slated slat-ed arc according to Wobslors International Interna-tional Dictionary Llpplncolts Gazotleer or Phllllpss DIctionary of Biographical Reference Original contributions will bo welcomed ooinniunlcallons for this do nartmont to bo addressed to E R Chad bourn Lowlston Mcl GLTOCRAPIIICAL J L C R 27SL CHARADE Hall the maid of merry heart mCIr horl Smiles nOl born of Flattrys nrt Naught of doom 111atrs htr ein stav Sunshine drives tho clouaa away Hers to brighten this dull earth dul Hull the TOTAL Qucuti of mirth Merry IK the day Is long Life to her In ono glad song Scullers sunshine everywhere Smooths tho wrinkled brow of caro All ndored her from her birth Happy PRIMAL Queen of Mirth Live and reign thy cheery smllos ProVo Dun Cupids strongest wiles Oer the Prince LAST PRIMAL day Softly hold thy laughing sway May he provo of royal worth Fit consort of thc Queen of Mirth o o I 219IN TUB SPRING The spring shopper Is in her clement I As the advertisements liavo It the now Knods ore a dream of loveliness ant tho stores present a dazzling army of dainty fabrics J was In Sellems emporium today to-day and the dapper chief of the clres goods department dlspla > ed his stock with great pood nature and much kind advice ad-vice which hitter was not charged for I I i oinij tn the sfMsiflr > 7 horos the very I I CLOTH FOR BATHING SUITS I 1 shall I I cut you off ten yards And thin Is 1 tho I CORn CT THING FOR BOATING m though tomb sailors like this other S In I Spite o their SUPERSTITIONS ABOUT IT Now this GREEN GOODS FOR GARDENERS 1 or this CLOTH FOR WINEBIBBERS Co either will make an oxqulslto evening gown Hops and Impromptu Im-promptu danros you know You will want ono of course Do you like WHAT BANKERS LIKE I I or WHAT CONViCTS CON-VICTS WEAR 7 The latter arc most slvllsh this season This next piece of cotton Roods is POPULAR W lrli 1 1 ROAD MAKERS IN THE SOUTH IS < but will bo worn In the North ulso throughout tIme summer Speaking of the South this lining is I the DESIRE OF BALD MEN ffJ I down there Bet pardon but dont you need a few yards This material la SUITABLE FOR TAI PEOPLE 10 and his FOR SHORT STOUT ONES III 1 i of h so ARI LiKED BY SCOTCH MEN 1213 hut you could uear either hirmlngly With YOUR complexion all color5 But I thought I had allowed him to tell too many fibs already In my behalf and HO prepared to go ARTISTS LIKE THOSE GOODS fo 1 ho said pointing to a pile of brightcolored cotton stuffs amid lie should not have looked supercilious I when I ordered enl yards at twelve and n half rents For myself I have repented ven that small pun hns for the goods aded abominably at tho first touch of soap and water MABEL P a 0 ANAGRAM Two Words In Cuban cities cro I came Foul lllth was every who rend re-nd fumes of almost wen namo With poison Tilled the airs A air-s only measures swift and sure Round Death could throw I restraints I said to all tho things Impure 1 FORCE AN END 0 TAINTS 1 I 1 kept my word nnd cleanliness And healthfulness prevail For mejjnf that t T employed to bless I Wcro nevqr known to fail T II I HOMONYMS Find words pronounced alike but spelled differently from a series In the following story and when placed In order us they como the Initials of tho now words will give 1 the namo of a famous American How nice that T may spend a leisure hour without a wry face from Jack and 7111 and you Resting is belter than fall lag heir to dollars and cents How freshly fresh-ly tho air blows off tho Lake on < tho shoro of which tIme eye can detect tho gay tourist t loosening the knot that holds his now boat to the shore where the birds with their fleecy ptcres arc sailing above Ho li I heedless of aught save plea < ure truly a knight of time Jovial countenance counte-nance DOROTHEA 2J2 TRANS POS ITION When Tnbltha played on the ONE for her beau Ho thought her a dear and ho called her n doc Tho music he lee < and she did It so well I 1 Ho called her a SECOND a kind of gazelle That gracefully rapidly moves as It goes Aln I sho mistook It and turned up horn hor-n Her countenance showed sho was now Inn In-n pet ft Being called a sho heard It an Inky brunette bru-nette She uttered a THREE which took him all aback al And mado him explain and contribute a I smack S MEDIUS PALINDROMIC SQUARE 1 A town of Argentine 2 A principle 1 A genus of plants 4 A princIple i > A town Argentine MINNIE MUMM 1 NUMERICAL To a small town without renown Rode once rand Prince G V Disguised unknown ho went alono To a rude 123 Twa not his aim to hmo his name Disclosed while ho was there For ho desired to sUiy retired And shun tho public stare But ho could not for twas his lot To meet with a surprise When one lie know camo In his view And him did recognize And when those there became aware Vhat guest they had they then Came gathering round for they wcro bound To give a t 1 to 10 For prlnco like him In place so dim To seek for a retreat < Was thing so new so wondrous tool too-l seemed a strange COMPLETE NELSONIAN I ANSWERS 2S1 CERATES EDUCATE RUM INAJ4 AC INOSE TANOVEN ETASgNI SELENIC I 252 Total eclipse of tho sun 2131 Range 2 DrICt 3 Koy 201Goat 2O1Io made twelve squares and arranged ar-ranged them ns follows the dark outaldo Iito Indicating tho beveled cdgo 1 I Liy 2 n 3 U l I Ii in liD Jin 0 J ljn l Lr 4JJY > I I WGOwl cowl bowl fowl Jowl howl 27 MESArt2lo 1 FANCIERS B FANCIEns R E Y A M P E D PARODIED DBXAR1J3S MANATEES r PNTLErt8 2CS Successes > > I |