Show Railroad Notes I All four of the transcontinental roads In Utah change time today General Freight Agent Henry of the Western returned yesterday The Palialr train leaves today at lQlo a in instead of 215 f m J The Idaho Midland has given an ultimatum I ul-timatum to the Boise people The right ofway matter must be settled Officers of the Salt Lake Los An crclca state emphatically that the round trip fare to the lake will be 25 cents this summer I New No2 of the Rio Grande West Ion I-on makes the run to Grand Junction Juncton in nine hours exclusive of the stop at I J Helper of ten minutes Lands is the title of an attractive j welladltcd paper published In Salt I Lake for dJatrlbution all over the count coun-t try I is exclusively devoted to the Interests of Utah and describes lands and attraction along the line of the l Rio C7rnnto Western I will be pub lishmed pished regularly and t reSularI can uc scoured 1 without cost rne Denver Republican < Rcpuhcln says freight rates to Colorado common points and to points In Utah have been weaken lug for the last two weeks and the general report now Is that they aro in bad condition This applies only to westbound rates ot the lower classes I t eastbound rates being firm a far aa local freight men can ascertain JII Traveling Auditor Edwin Opdyke of I d the Union Pacific Is in the city He is l well remembered hfre as ho wan with li1 I General Manager Ressegule up lo 1W1 p |