Show A tlJnnlc vuy ano I See thc Lace House ad on Pn9 I SECOND l WEEK Of OUR WONDERfUL MIDgSE1S REOUeTI0N SALE 1 Despite the enormous business that greeted r L A V CORN 222224 MAIN ST In view of which fact we have decided to continue our MidSeason Reduction Sale announcement 7 4 0 con-tinue this sale during the present week Most extraordinary throughout the past week we find that our stock 1 > J1 traordinary values will greet you on all sides amaz hasnt t by any means become depleted In fact our I h shelves continue to show the very choicest and V I i I W I A ing and at the same time delighting our old most t enticing display I of f new uptodate an d attractive t cutomers and winning us many new ones This IS I at-tractive Summer Goods that the home and foreign the result of shrewd careful buying reliable I markets afford to DRY GOODS STORE judicious and above all honest selling be A Ad n f > < n A A > A < I REMEM BER THAT THIS SALE OFFERS SPECIAL VALUES THAT ARE 0 ABSOLUTElY WITHOUT EQU 1S J THE MARKET AT THE PRESENT TIME un es Sale I WOMENS AND j Se Extraordinary Jwg li Knit Underwear BEAUTIFUL SiLKS d o Continued i this week in our CHILDRENS I illT 1h IL ° At MidSeason Reduction Sale Prices ireat 1 Cib k and 5ut Dept 0 f tv asii F arics A Sale of Surpassing Importance I I The designs and colors arc beautiful I Read the descriptions A Sale Without a Peer or Parallel the values remarkable CONTINUED scriptions Observe the prices and I Prices Incredibly Low I judge for yourself LADIES SUITS A splendid offering of summer wash Dress Goods 22inch Jap Silks in all the best leading fresh bright and dainty Every Item mentioned here a Womens white Richelieu ribbed Vests silk tape irr colors Including black and cream The sacrificing of these fine Tailormade Garments finish neck and short sleeves for lyL at 29C grand indisputable I I I 1 bargain 1 i docs not mean that they are unworthy styles or qualities Womens fine Lisle Thread Vest silk tape finish neck and Handsome corded novelty I Wash 1 Silks MidSeason Reduction Prices In pink sky white and best 75c and 50c qualities sold an far from It were a bit overstocked and must unload eason arms come p anywhere thats all black for 5C any-where Sale Price 035 Womens fine cotton Swiss ribbed Vests with crochet yoke Hemstitched PI else and othr new and The Sale last week was enormous BATISTE 15 I pieces WInch Batiste in pretty I Shirt Waist and trimmed in Waist and Silks lace blue lJBh Trimming come pink stylish There are enough for another weeks selling even to styles midseason reduction jfr IOC black and white for 40C that sold all the way up to 5175 a such crowds as have kept us busy since this sale began price All silk Vests with 1 low I neck and no sleeves In white aldIn this midseason reduction 8c CA c C 1100 Suits CAMBRICS e lBRIC10 plecqs light and medium 6inch French sale 9 pink blue black and Lavender at for 595 Cambrics and all Cambric in the store selling from 1 is sac 1 00 and 135 PRINTED FOULARDSThe best domestic 1500 Suits loc to 20c In this great midseason reduction x I r > fork 795 sale I at 1272C Misses Vests high neck and short sleeves In mestlc and foreign allsilk printed 15C Foulards In beautiful designs and made of Sea Island Cotton cream m o at 1700 to 2400 Suits EMBROIDERED CREPONS pieces Silk Embroidered colorings reduced from 5125 and A for Ii 95 Crepons all the new dainty shades Old Rose Steel Misses fine soft Egyptian Cotton Vests high neck and 5150 a yard to 98C Gray Pink 1 and Blue they are worth lOc long sleeves regular finished seams 2000 to c 3500 Handsome Suits midseason reduction price 25C for 2OC Black Taffeta Silk reduced from 75c a C for 1795 yard to 59C MERCERIZED STEENSOu l entire stock I of 40c and 50c Misses fine Swiss ribbed Vests tape finished Compare See for Yourselves J Mercerized Sateens Blue Black and Purple y neck and arms for IOC Black Liberty Satin pure silk reduced 790 I midseason reduction sale I price I 33 3 I Misses soft cotton ribbed pants with finished seams and f I from One a yard to Irish Linen Ginghams a splendid assortment clastic ribbed hands in white and 23inch pure dye black Swiss I Taffeta DRESSING SACQUES 1 Irishto select 1 from 40 C ecru for 25C I reduced from 5125 a yard to 95C I Womens Egyptian Cotton Vests extra size high < It Inch black Satin Duchess a splendid Come and see how beautiful they are and observe how neck and long sleeves for tJUU grade of pure dye goods reduced each line accords with the latest idea of fashion and bear TABLE LINENS I NAPKINS TOWELS BEDSPREADS Womens extra size knee length Pants A from 5150 n yard to 129 Jn mind particularly the prices French cut band 400 22Inch black Peau De Sole very best Lawn Dressing Sacques loose front tight fitting SPREADS SHEETS i PILLOW CASES quality pure dye Lyons Silk reduced i vj O r P > > O back polka dots and figures 8Sc MISSES I MUSLIN UNDERWEAR l re-duced from 250 to In midseason 1 l n our great m reduction sale will find you Beautiful Lawn Sacques white I and I solid colors 1 embroidery I embroid-ery and lace trimmed also Kimona style the grandest opportunity of the season for replenishing C Air white with colored borders I 25 t your dining room and bed room linen Misses Muslin I Pants good 1 material with hem and B l K I 0 REC U 0 0 11JI E S tucks Handsome line of novelties some tight back loose front j cluster of I 520250 others Kimona Style daintily < All white buck Towels pure linen hemmed t Jr at I 3Slnch l I Black l Brilliantine reduced from trimmed 4 > IyO I ready for use 10x39 reduction price 1jL Hisses Muslin Gow ns good material made with double 50c a yard to 39C yoke front and back trimmed with cambric ruffles Table Linen CS Inches wide for enough any table the DCInch Black Nuns Veiling pure wool 1 Hamburg and Insertion I edging g S WOMEN PETTICOATS grade that sells for 5100 TIC prices 355075C 1 and light weight reduced from Goc I AT S reduction price I 7 O I PI a yard to 490 Full dinner size Napkins worth 5225 Satin Damask I Misses Muslin Skirts with cluster of reduced black Great In every parllcular full bleached midseason I tucks and cambric ruffle for 2 J c 41inch 1 I pure wool I ac k Serge re lice C reduction < fully re 59C from 75c a yard to Great In assortment j > sale price 1 P 79 Misses Cambric Skirts made with Best qualUles tucked India Lawn Umbrela ruffle 65C 12Inch black Silk and wool Bangallne Large size white crochet Bedspreads fringed all around Crepons light weight and stylish Best styles and colors Marseilles out the 980 pattern they go < S 1 i g reduced from 100 a yard to iIS 125 Sateen Petticoats Think of these at the prices Hemstitched at Sheets 90x90 made of best grade of sheet nOSHED li Y ATTRACT nONS II 42Inch duced English from S Lie Blistered a yard Crepons to d re 139 I for O9C ing 100 is the price In this mid 9C season reduction 78c 4S inch pure silk and wool Crinkled 175 Colored Mercerized Sateen Petticoats < I French Crepons also Corded Black Petti-coats for 4 > 126 Hemstitched Pillow Slips 42x36 best 19C New price records are made every day in our Hosiery French Novelties very newest shirring Taffeta Silk Skirts Umbrella I ylecolors Tale blue tur grade muslin reduction price Department owing to the great activity of business shir-ring material Imported reduced 289 uolse American beauty purple and Fine Hose embracing all the new colors and patterns from 100 I a yard to black regular 750 Skirt 425 WHITE GOODS Note a few of tho following Fine Taffeta Silk Skirts In all the favored and new shades Black Lace effects polka dots mercerized silks n A D 1 graduated accordion plaited flounce finished I White Swiss White Organdy White Pique White 1 hoot patterns bAii ASOLS I PARASOLS I pat-terns vertical stripes every pair a r 1 11 U 0 IL LAL3ULuI 0 with ruching regular 100 value y2O Mull White Dimity and White Persian Lawn bargain at 6 O cr 50 inches wide It is the 35c THE CHILDREN Sheer White Organdy pc kind Burson perfect fitting seamless Hoe high spliced heel FOR JACKETS makes pretty commencement Dresses our and double sole extra clastic ribbed to AND CAPES ntid season reduction price 19C fast and stainless for top oor 250 Children at Parasols In fancy colors 15r do I We sold more fine Jackets and Capes last week than White Swiss 32 Inches Womens Balbriggan Hose double sole and high wide 22C spliced heel 25C A large lot of bright pretty Parasols d could ordlnarll be sold in a month desirable mate50 made of the most mate White Persian Lawn sheer and beauti Mens solid color Hose in pale blue and tan 1 THE PRICES DID IT 12C rials best suited for Children fut 23C double sole and highsliced heel at 72 C and up Here are some more of the same sort of bargains I wear from for r dens fancy Hose with silk stripe come In this week White Figured 121 25L black for I2 2C Dimity royal blue and 72 i 175 Reefers i FOR THE LADIES White I I Misses fancy colored Cotton Hose all for 8 2C Figured 11 121 I 2272C sizes at I 12 72C T 2 Pique No is 0 lady 1S 500 Ladies y J 3 prop Jackets s White Sheer Soft 4 ji Misses fancy Imported Hose in stripes for 2 75 Mull 33C and plaids all sizes for 25C crly attired for a 300 Capes sui for I 5 0 White Mull Silk 57 C V hot day without a GOLF s CORSETS suitable parasol GOLF CAPES We 4 have large A HOST OF NOVELTiES a I Spring Weights All Colors and St Ies Styles Our Corset I Y set Department is at all times t r and i 1 beautiful 1 variety I A Ladles Indispensable Traveling Companion stocked with the best les in a I very styles demand ety in stock mark J Some eclat I I j a special and 1 we can always I fit the 1 most exacting o ed at ulcl selling i z Y prices that are I o I tr NOTE THE PRICES IN THIS SALE t prices I 1 sure to prove specially i Ladies 26inch Gloria Twilled Umbrella t k clan r interesting White Summer Corsets made of good quality Um-brella natural handle suitable for ft 1 0 summer net as good as others sell at 50c for 33 C sun or rain for 75 i t and create afresh Fancy Madras Cor etssomethinS entirely new They are Ladies attractive Coaching Parasols h the new Paris shapes low bust straight front and cutaway fine mercerized Sateen with Japanese I8 r 1 your interest in away hips and come In white blue pink and lavender Japan-ese silk ruflle black or white at 5 I i lace and ribbon trimmed This Is a regular 150 1 this popular and Corset all over the landIn In this weeks Ladles I ruffled Parasols of good quality > JOO II for A 1 erE attractive depart 1 l sale 01 4 I Japanese Silk in black white and i 1faJ1t cpa Ladles GD Chicago Waist of perforated net r colored at 75 A 1f gu > mcnt in both long and cut away hips at f11 0 0 Ladies beautiful t fancy Silk Parasols frj d 01llTJlfflfti also corded and hemstitched novelties 00 dn I a t e r I novel-ties all new and placed on sale for j I LcdSe1 White Buublnet TICs lace trimmed and washable i T i IT W the first time this season at and UP i the correct thluy to be worn with Strrt Waists a new SWLJr I WAlTSr SALE i d 200 IL OrlLJLviLwo line just received at 3 150100 0 I Three Grand Lots of Wash Waists Ladles and Liberty down to Silk and Chiffon Bow 35C Over 75 different styles BQ l R lJ U B D iON SALE e See Window Ties entirely new at 2C Many novelties such as Ribbon and Lace Waists Per tucked corded Waists Tuckings for allover Shirt Waists and A sian Many Waists evening waists In this and grand hemstitched lot All sizes Last weekiwas a great big pronounced 1 I r LawnFigured Stripes and yokes all thenew things JC an d nearly cost oerv t r for Polka Dots > up silk Waist at nounced Il1tso great that we will V Allover Embroideries all the new dc 54GO Silk Waists r 65c Percale Plain or Insertion trimmed signs = on Cambric Nainsook and for 275 keep the same bargains on sale I for rile T1 Swiss splendid l per yard 100 and up Silk Waists another 1 entire week tl Waists I Madras Insertion trimmed all 6A0Silk a n0 t 1 el en t 11c t col for 125 Cambric I and Nainsook i I Embroidery for 330 If Regular ors Edges best values in the city at 50 and up 5700 Silk Waists No 5 regularly I sold for 12Vs cents at 8 t price BatistePlain and fancy Embroidery Insertions for Shirt for 400 per yard T t from Waists and Lndoruear l on Cambric 1000 Silk Waists No7 always sold or Joe nt per EO I t 5135 to Percale and Dimities plain and fan Nainsook and Swiss Ironon 5 from the dain yard II titS for 57 1 575 it S 200 cy ty narrow to 3 Inches 8530 and In width 3c tti up No 0 never gold under 20c at Ih r 121 n 14 < f I f 72r nrc1 A It Waists Zephyr GInghamsTucked t r yard r Ginghams Tucked and 1 insertion DRESS SKIRTS for 150 1 3J oJ ZtIJ No 12 sold everywhere for 2 c at per fi rt Regular tion trimmed A QLOV ESP BC I A L yard 15 j 7I price Imitation Corded Taffetas ° Prices almost cut in half to make room for summer I Beautiful I rasa Ribbons with plain 1x1 t from renew Corded goods Investigate these extraordinary > If P Dimities I 1 g ofTcrhiKs colored < < satin edges H Inches > I Sl7o to Linens and Mulls lace I and embroidery l Elegant Sl 123 Wash Chamois Gloves as fine as any Suede c 1 l7 Figured I Dress < in wldeh worth 31c at 1 per yard 15 Y ° I o J Glove but te Ill tvrar 8 toy much 250 00 better and of Spc cry trimmed are Skirts 9C Pe3utl1I1 If t nt ul lot of fancy Wash Ribbons l U ash leather genuine < e n In white and 93 V Hlbbons40n at pearl en4 c 1500 Serge and Figured pure silk In stripes and plaids en Y I Skirts 198 tlroly ninv i to 4 t Inches In width and t ih MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY 500 Covert and Serge Skirts black und Worth In that regular ay COc to i fie 1IU kl t 1 DISPATCHED colored 298 yard a yard In this ribbon sale at per 4rt 1 J I I r fa far r |