Show Preparing for Memorial Day Provo May J2Tho citizens have taken flops to properly observe Memorial day In this city At a meeting held In the courthouao tho following arrangements were made Parade forms at tho northwest corner of courthouse block at Slj a m Marshal of the day Reed Smoot as rlsted by M 11 Kellogg W S Rawllngs and E A Wedgwood ORDER OF PROCESSION First G A R Spanish wnr veterans Mexican war veterans and Indian warN war-N rU Second School children Third Fraternal societies Fourth W T Shorman relief corps I Fifth nilzons vehicles otc < On arrival at Iho cemetery tho G A IL ritual and decoration of the boldlers graves will be gone through with tho profusion pro-fusion wi then break rnnlcf at tile soldiers sol-diers grave and a general decoration will he Ira order Tho people will return r homo at will At 2 oclock p m the citizens will aa Fomblo nt pome public place which will be publlHlud hereafter where n pro rendered Rranimc will bo r The following committee was appointed on programme and place or meeting Mayor I Taylor Edward Partridge J P Kcelor S P Eggcrtson 6 S Jones 11 M Kellogg and Prof J R Boshard |