Show I 06DEN DEPARTMENT No Bal Game Today The Pocatollo team wns notified last ovenlnfc that thero would bo no ball gumo bal Imo here today or Monday and consequently conseqlcnh the games wee Indefinitely postponed Tho grounds of the driving park are too muddy to allow o any playing County Teachers Association Tho County Teachers association held Its regular meeting yesterday afternoon = nfeloon which was also attended by a number of the trustees of tho county numhcl n dress was delivered by Prof Sr M Stew r art which uns listened ltcncl to with close at tention Jt was a prnctlcul address deal ing with the relationship between teach ers and trustees Judge Hulaniski Departs Tomorrow morning Jntlgc K T Hul aniski will leuvo for Seattle and will sail for Jaoo Nome on May 20tu Ho takes with him hls law library and upon tnkf hlw arrival them will at onco open a law of Il tIc Ho will ronko a specially of mining law and will also not miss any chance that open for mining Investments The Judges many friend bore wish him great success In his s cnlure Cllule Horse Strayed Away Friday night a horse hitched to a buggy and Lcd near Twentysixth street and Washington avenue belonging to a man named Butler wan missed when the mln dog show was out Tile matter was reported to tho Sheriffs office yesterday morning and a search Instituted which resulted In llndlnp the rig on a sandbar In the river The horse had followed the bar out Into tho river as far as ho could go and had stopped evidently having remained thero 11cro tile greater portion of tho night The sup position Is that the horse had broken loose and in going toward homo had wandered I i off tho road S Changes in Railroad Time The changes in tho time cards of Iho various railways running Into Ogden I which went Into effect at last midnight I aro as follows mldnlSht SOUTHERN PACIFIC The trains arriving at CSO C m and C30 p m and No f leaving nt 1115 a m remain unchanged No 1 tho flyer will Icuvo at 1255 p m 15 minutes later than before No 3 tho local I will leave at 310 31 0 m two hours later No 2 will arrive later from tho west at 16 n m or ono hour UNION PACIFIC No1 Overland Limited will arrive at 115 p in Instead of 1 oclock No3 b the Pacific Express will arrive at 1 n in Instead In-stead of 3 i a m No 101 fast mal will arrive at 105 p m Instead a 1260 p m Leaving the Overland Limited No li will depart at 215 p in hiHtreul of 1 lf p wi No 1 local leaven at S p in unchanged and tho No6 Atlantic Express leaves at S10 a m Instead of SJO OREGON SHORT LINE For tile south NO1 1 will leave at 430 a in Instead of 20 n in Cacho Valley cXpr ss unchanged leaves at Clr p in No 2 will leave at 2 p m Instead of 130 I No8 will arrlvo at Ogden al 7 C m and leave for tho south at S a in No 10 Butte and Portland vlll arrlvo at 1 pIll p-Ill and leave at 115 1 North No 9 Butlo Express will ar rlvo at 1155 p m instead of OM5 p m and leavo at 1225 a m No7 Butto and Portland will arrive atO5 a m unchanged I un-changed and leavo at 120 a m No G Cacho Valley Express will bo unchanged unchnnred arriving from the south at S a m leaving at S15 a m No3 Atlantic Express will I bo unchanged arriving at 740 p in while No 1 fast mall will arrive at 120 p m instead o 1215 p m RIO GRANDE WESTERN i No3 1 Pacific mall will arrive at 1150 p m Instead of JO p m No 1 will ar I rIo at 1 p m unchanged No 0 Pacific Pa-cific Limited will arrive at 1045 a m unchanged un-changed SouthNo 2 Atlantic Limited leaves at 1V p in Instead of 115 p in No 1 unchanged leaves nt 7 p in and No C I unchanged leaves at 725 a m i Church Services Services today at the Baptist church morning and evening In tho morning tho pastor will preach on morning and How to Down Them In tho evening tile topic will be The Greater Than Solomon Solo-mon All cordially Invited to these services ser-vices At the Presbyterian church regular nor vice at 11 n m at which an Interesting letter from Rev Carver pastorelect of the church will bo rend Sundayschool at 1215 p i m Special Christian Endeavor services at S p m Special music at thlo service Regular services at all tho other churches Brevities Mrs J F Baker has returned from a trip East Miss Fnnnle Hammond left yesterday for a visit with friend In Oregon Tndav thoro IR a change In the timecard time-card of all roods leading Into Ogden lmo Two cars of ammunition for tho Philip I pines passed through Ogden Ph1lp There was a heavy rain ln Ogden yesterday yes-terday and tho night before and snow in the hills Judge Rolnpp was In Salt Lake City yes Sal Cly terday nail there was no session of the Second District court J B llaggln tho California horseman passed through Ogdcn yesterday on his way East with twolvo cars of blooded horses Hamilton tho new Ogden pitcher Is still confined to the hospital He Is suf fering with Inflammatory rheumatism but Is 1 gradually Improving Two runaways on Twentyfifth ntreot yesterday aftornogn caused considerable oxclcment They wero very lively but no great damage was done Tho G A R committees met last night to arrange a piogrammo for Decoration day Another meeting will be necessary to complete tho programme Lucy S Chocsmnn yesterday filed In the clerks office of the Second District court 0 Hull for divorce from her husband C W ChecHinan on tho ground of deser tionTho The Ladies Aid society of tho First M E church will meet with Mrs Randall on East Twentyfifth street Wednesday May IGth at 230 p in A full attendance Is desired alcndanco Roy Lamdln who has been In the express office In Ogden for press ofco 0 months has been transferred to Reno as headquar ters from whero ho will run as helper messenger Tho S O O B club was entertained yesterday afternoon by Mlaa Evallne Hen Ealne dorahotL A visit to tho dog and ponv show was followed by 3 luncheon at Kolitz3 Kandy Kitchen The body of James C Hunter ono of lie Scolleld victims arrived In Ogden last night at 10 oclock Tho funeral will bo held this afternoon at 2 oclock wl Llndqulsts undertaking parlors Tho Gentry dog and pony show was an attraction on tlo city hal square Friday and yesterday A Shetland esterda Shclnnd pony colt horn Friday morning was chrlstemul Og don at tho Friday evenings performance rile Montana State shooting tournament will be hold In Butte May isih 10th and 20lh Amonij tho Ogden shots who will probably bu prenont arc Messrs 1 M wi < lrs Browning A L Brewer J M Browning G L Becker S A Browning and A P BIgelow Tho second game of baseball In tho in toracholastlc series way played yesterday between tho high school an1 tlio Weber Stake academy time high school winning by a score of 12 to 9 The High School and Business College teams have now won a game each |