Show ASLEEP AT HIS POST NEGLIGENCE OF TOWEBMAN CAUSES DISASTROUS WRECK Fast Freight Train Runs Into First Section Standing in Tunnel Seven Men Killed Philadelphia May 12 Through the negligence of a towcrman who lay asleep at his post a disastrous and fatal freight train wreck occurred hero last midnight 1Ia tunnel on the Baltimore Balti-more Ohio railroad An engineer and firemen were killed and five unknown un-known tramps are supposed to be dead in ttye wreck The property loss is estimated at 5185000 The man who was responsible for the accident Frank Lamtell surrendcod himself late this afternoon to C C O Bent a superIntendent super-intendent in the employ of tho Baltimore more Ohio Railroad company He Is under arrestKNOWN KNOWN DEAD George Laub engineer George Hinchman fireman Both men are of this city Their bodies and those of three tramps arc burled beneath the wrecked cars The tunnel runs under Twentyfifth street from Callowhlll street to Fair mount park a distance of 2500 feet It Is 3 semicircle and the tracks arc upgrade from the Callowhlll upgrde Calowhl street entrance Every night a train known as the night freight express leaves here for New York Last night that train was made up In two sections the first section sec-tion containing fortythree can When It reached the tunnel the engine was unable to pull It up the grade and seventeen cars were detached and left standing in the tunnel while the others oth-ers were drawn through I was the duty of the tower operator to set a roLl signal on the semaphore at the CalowhH street entrance to the tunnel tun-nel Before he fell asleep as he admits ad-mits he failed to do this leaving the white light in view i At 11JU oclock the second section of tho freight comprising thirtyeight cars approached at the rate of thirty miles an hour Engineer Laub seeing the white signal gave the engine extra speed In order to carry the train up the grade The rapidly moving train collided with the standing cars In the tunnel with terrific force Fire Immediately broke out and three of the tars each containing 1000 gal Ions of oil exploded Soon the wrenk age was a mass of flames Tho fire > department was called out and though tho firemen have been at work all last I night and all today it has been 1m J I possible as yt to extinguish the flames I I I Owlirff to the heat and smoke and j I I I I gaseous air in the tunnel the firemen I entered the tunnel only a short distance I dis-tance without being overcome Holes I I were dug in the street to make vents and the roof of the tunnel was blasted but to no avail Shortly after the collision Lam lull disappeared and could not be found until o un-til he gave himself up lute this after oon rtVhftn qUORflnnod h Jtvlr did It Why the white signal remained in place I do not know but it was there and the train went through aa usual I was asleep or doxlng and why I cannot say except that I feel myself overworked but I am ready to stad the censure and take what I comes to me I have no excuse to 1 offer I |