Show I n SWEEPING INJUNCTION I thff i IB 1 1 Ran FEDERAL COURT ISSUES ON fc 6 TYING STRIKERS HANDS P TING STKERS PJe Je ah Restraining Order Made Absolute for Jla One Week Against Striking StreetCar t Street-Car Employees of Kansas City Wal HGI I trI Kansas City Mo May JThe Fed I H oral authorities found alleged cause for f Interfering this evening In the streetcar Dan street-car strike Inaugurated this morning by the union employees of the 1 trQPol l tan street railway wnen uuu 01 me 10nj m conductors motormen and grlpmen ch quit work Judge Wm C Hook of eavenworlh Kas sitting In Kansas n City Issued I from the United States District d Dis-trict court tonight an injunction that Is Ti in Its term more absolute and sweeping I than any Injunction ever before secured dl In this district In a contention between te labor and capital 1 The injunction Is made absolute for c1 a week the matter being set for a hearing 1 hear-ing on Saturday next and If Ha restrictions a re-strictions shall be observed by the strikers the Metropolitan company has Its fight won for the strikers hands are lied for seven days and In thj meantime the Metropolitan Company ti can go about the reorganization o its iif disrupted forces The Injunction Is predicated upon the jt fact that several of the persons complained com-plained against a threatening the mw 1 irrcsts of the company are residents of other Stales and tho further fact that limo strikers threaten to prevent the company from carrying ou Its contract ivltim the United States Government ti transport the city mallcarriers to and from their routes Harry Pryan the national organizer of the Amalgamated association described de-scribed as a resident of Michigan Is one ot tho parties enjoined and th t < others named are twenty tiire local leaders 1 of tho union several nf whom arc < mentioned as residents or Ohio and menton Kansas The Injunction restrains the persons named and all others from In any manner man-ner directly or Indirectly stopping or interferIng with the running of cars on the lines of the Metropolitan company enjoins them from harassing assaultIng assault-Ing or In any manner Interfering with any person who may be In the employ t of tho company as he goes to or from I his work or as ho Is engaged In the operation o a street car enjoins union J1ld men and all others from picketing rr Vi patrollng the car houses stopping places stations tracks or approaches JJ thereto or loitering In large numbers I In or about any of the laces named I tr or making loud or boisterous noises In I tho vicinity thereof for the purpose of I fa Interfering or intimidating any of the companys employees The Injunction even goes further than t this and enjoins any concerted action to cause any act or annoyance which I f U will assist In stopping the operation of the cars or Interfering In any whso I with an employe In moving a car which may carry a mallcarrier or a messenger messen-ger or upon which a mailcarrier or a messenger may wish in ride Tin restrictions not only apply to Organizer Or-ganizer Harry Bryan and the twenty three men named but to all others who may be acting In concert with them after the entering of this Injunction In addition to the police and the deputy dep-uty county marshals sworn In today a force of United States Marshals will be on hand to Interfere In case the injunction In-junction is Ignored and there Is every probability that the strikers will not desist In their efforts to bring out tho men who have po far failed to JOIn thorn 1 Up to a laic hour tonight there had been no disturbance at any point and the company was maintaining a fairly efficient service = |