Show d 8nloof XnillcV Suits Jacket Etc T L Z C M r wccl FJ > commencing lay llth > > Monday HiL I A Gigantic May Silo Sec the Lace House ad on page 9 Great Wash Dress Goods Salo 7 C M I week commencing Monday May 14th Those going East will find It to their Interest to consult the Denver Rio Grande agents at 109 West Second South street Dooly block before purchasing pur-chasing tickets r > r > ffT rti tftr T ffl P > i < t t New T5C c Straw Hats 3Too i will please your eye and cool ci your head When we say Eastern prices i on everything we mean It Marshall Wingate Co 220 Main St Mens Furnishers 120 l m t wucr c DO NOT SQUANDER r YOUR VITALITY 1 And jsubstance by a useless doping with drugs You can drug yourself to death and never touch tho deoprootcd seat of your malady Wen We-n vor claim more for DR BENNETTS ELECTRIC BELT than it will do Wo will guarantee i to euro any curable disease no matter who has treated you and failed I builds up tho nervous system stops all drains and losses invigorates cs the parts and reestablishes that state of manly vigor that is tho pride of every man De Not BUIl or BHister Wfiv 7J J Asdo all other belts if they give enough current to bo curative with L tho single solitary exception of Dr Bennetts which a patented Soft 122L i Silken Chamois Covered Water Chamber Electrodes that positively CA J 7m I A NOT Burn or Blister and we will forfeit 1000 if this Belt does not gen mj 1 4 erate a current of electricity that can bo instantly felt Guaranteed Stronger Than Any Other Belt Upon Earth 44 A Grateful patients say Dr Bennet ts docs more than I claim i I I q 6 f if 2Mf P W Eaton OOG Harrison ave Lead the STOMACH and when you regulate vllle Colo m riteS that organ you regulate tho ssern1 > recommend to my friends Dr Bennetts J I MI rt Dr T3onnott have tried everything Electric Bolt If I you want comfort to I could think of and whatever tho doc wear and comfort to sleep with I torn gave me and fulling In all I almost cheerfully recommend tho bolt to any al-most gave up In despair out by chunco ono who wishes relief I tel heir to Dr Bennetts Electric K G Barr 1229 Oth St Denver Colo I Belt I cal It ray family doctor my suys comfort I tried it with the best kind 1 am a poor man but I would not iJ iii4XJ f7 u comfort sult and could not bo better salts take 100 in gold for my Belt 1 1 could r rf V Oed with anything In the world Let all not got another I consulted three pi7tI Yt Li4 call on me and I will convince them prominent physicians of this city for a IV Iji F JJ 34 vs4 7 I that your bolt does not burn or blister serious Kldnoy and Bladder uble I I i hit Is a relief and a cure I am very but without any holp At last 1 was i 0 I sorry that I did not have It years ago persuaded to try ono of your Belts I I It Is a wonder and accomplishes all you After wearing It a few times I commenced I claim It has cured mo of DYSPEPSIA menced to improve and now I Indeed 4 DYSPEP-SIA RHEUMATISM LAME BACK feel ngtin like a young man From my that TIRED FEELING and many own experience I do not think the other things r cannot mention I will claims you make for your Electric r F say that It Is tho only real comfort for Bolts aro any too strong I guarantee my Belt to euro Seminal Impotency Lost Manhood Spormator nnd Undeveloped Parts rhoea Vnrlcoccle and General Dthlllty restore Shrunken Unrcvolopd rttorc L 111 I i m Gonerl rhoc1 VWVIV Dthlt ii i I and Bladder Troubles Constlpa s2CS cure Rheumatism In any form Kldnoy Liver Constpa Lon Dyspepsia all Female Complaints etc And D Bennetts Electrical Suspensory is just as great an invention in its particular sphere a his Belt given FREE to every male purchaser of lone of his Belts Call upon or write me today Get Symptom Blanks Illustratod Books and Literature If your CoO is curable we will frankly tell you so The Doctor is a Registered and Practicing Physician and will give each case his personal attention It will cost you nothing for consultation and you will got advice concerning your case r Sold Byo OnlY 00 DL BENNETT ELECTILUC BELT CO 09 hoe Rooms Block DENVER 12 16th to 20 COLO Arapa Union II I O r = = T r < Ii |