Show PERSONAL MENTION Henry Shields of Park Clly is a guest at the Cullen Georgo F Smith of Idaho Falls Is registered at the Kenyon George Ballard a wellknown traveling trav-eling man Is at the Knulsford K Oiwa a Japanese tourist from To klo Is at the Knutstord en route East J A Brehany advance agent of tho Nachvlllo colored students is a guest at the Kenyoa R F Peters brother of Max A Peters has Joined the force at the Salt Lake palace for the summer Landlord Porter of the Kenyon says he heard much sympathy expressed in the East with the sufferers from the Scofield disaster Robert Forrester geologist and engineer engi-neer of tho Pleasant Valley coal mines came up from Scofield last night and is registered at the Walker H B Crawford Is i a New Zealander much pleased with the United States He Is en route west after an extended Eastern trip and is stopping at the Walker W B Ilance and J R Price left Salt Lake Ihst evening for Cape Nome They go from here to Seattle where they will Join W S Hunnewell and Tom Mitchell and all will sail on the Tacoma on May 25th Their Salt Lake friends wish them abundant success C S Burton received a loiter from Maj R W Young yesterday announcing announc-ing that Mrs Young and her daughters had sailed from Manila for home Richard Rich-ard Young Jr Is also en route home but Is coming on a tramp steamer bound for New York where ho will visit CoL and Mrs Willard Young It Is not known Just when Mrs Young sailed but It was either on April 15th or Oth |