Show sheepherder aliat monday afternoon a sheepherder n named amed pete pets met with a severe and accident while rt the hoep camp about two miles north of price mr peterson Pe tereon baa has been bera working for and lockwood and it was at their camp ibe the accident happened it seems the unfortunate man waa was handline a tir ebnoter and in some unac co countable conn table maxner one of 01 the cartridges 1 wa as discharged his le 10 at t land hand was an d donakd on bled and the ball struck between the arcond and third fanget ainge s badly mati lating these fingers and entering between the ie tore ita its coa through the back of abe hand to abe wrist where it came ont out the alvared member waa was bandaged up and mr peterson kuok k the evening train for salt gait lako lake city where he waa was sent for medical arsie tance it is not known how serious the injuries might broye rut fut r ut there was a possibility of the losing part of bla hand mr war to a section foreman for foi r the D and R G 0 on in colorado and formerly for meily resided in ML pleasia Plea sint aia utah it Is la Is learned teamed that he has a stepfather step father ing there now |