Show 8 SALE WH BItHA I 1 STOWELL AND ellen L stowell nil his rite wife on the day of july I IW IA A made executed and de do evered to the western loan A savings company of bait lf lie city a corporation anler and nl by virtue ot of the law laws of the late state their promis ory note tor for the turn um of two ilu and k city efty Iol dollar lare on the amo we dar der for the purpose of vir ibe the payment of dd maid note and the interest lu thereon the alj maid cleber J stowell and ahen 1 stowell his wife execl I 1 led ed and delivered to P W bl adsen trutie their c certain truit trust d dd ed upon cie to lowing lowin toda tin the county of carbon L tab to wll wit CA thirteen thir teea 13 rods south of th the lection N W comeron comer of the N NY IT quarter of lection thirty on one a 31 in township thirteen 13 auth south ot of ra n ge ten 00 10 eat east salt lake la lie meridian and runa ing thence outa mouth litty beven tv toda rods et thirty two 37 rods thence outa souta nine 9 rods thence fast fort eight 40 rods hanoe borth slit 11 six 19 rudi sas thence west aty SM add to place piece of beginning which aid said truit trust deed wa was duly duty witnessed ana acknowledged so oa as to entitle it to record and duly record ed in the office of the county r of mild saki carbon county in awk I 4 at page la in the of ald office and where whereas said trust deed provided that in ca cue of default la in the payment of or icid paid prom lesory sory note dote or at the interest I 1 thereon or any pert part thereof r I 1 the lame sam should become due and paja bl then the entire amount of aid said indebtedness should at once lecome become due and pal parable able and said preci lwi should tie be eold sold by the said trustee or bis his in trust at public auction at tho the front door of ot the court cour house in the county countr PK at of the afee carbon rhonl in a or on akl ki premises pr emlee or er any part thereof a as hould should be in the dot notice of uch such palo thirty dayi daya adot notice ice of luch such male ie having been fyhen by publication orco orce in each eck lor for four successive week weeks la in any ny news lisper at that time I 1 in the said County of car ba bon and 1 whereas default bu his been ien made for more la the pediment of the la in terest upon pal all I 1 note and whereas aber Wb er the M estern tern anen savings 1 corn com ganv the legal bolder holder of said id note b has elected to declare and bai has declared the entire amount thereof due and whereas the said IN ertem loua un j company the be legal holder of uld said note ba bas huested the aid said P W madsen trustee as a abores afo reald 14 to proceed to loiell act the aid mid property proper tr under un derbe abe aul horlor iriven 1 by fid said truit trust deed isow now therefore notice is I 1 hereby giren given that I 1 P PW W madsen tru tee u a a afore fore uld Sald will on the day of lilar at 3 0 clock p to of paid day offer for mato and 11 pell II at ibe the front door of the currl house in price the county kat peat ot of mid 14 countr of carbon state of L lah tab at kublie auction to the highest and bt best bid d der er for cb cash all of the dt de the purpose of or satisfy ip the amount due upon aid promissory note tog with the be interest and at attorney a 6 feea fees aal ani cot met of executing aid maid truit trust 1 W LN trustee CW aw corsetty Mor Io reatty setty for torT Trustee amax |