Show HAMILTON MURDER CASE THE conor 11 J the 11 Ite arist to tin me a iia without ril haet urd deed go the char chare charge ge or 1 I murder rde in the tk degneo 1 l kr neer C clell in the hamilton Ui mllton murder cue came a re suit alt of ibe the investigations panned punned at the cor coro onera nees whick concluded shortly afternoon after noon fait fast thursday Tb anday un john hau won was placed in jail jell await ing aa examination on the charge of murder while her brother la in law thorn thomas P as accessory in the digs llxie of at tb th a e crid dence euve presented the co coron routis exe jury could scarcely hare have done otherwise other vlee the taken at the WM was of a nature calculated to clinch that already given the clerk at drowning alro avore swore positively 1111 that the he WM wits the woman to whom be he R bild dd the cAtt cartridges ridges on monday the colb Sr tacaca to la 7 01 that t when mr her busbaum balled on her at her eluters el aters home on thursday and got tho the pistol fram lur her the wa was not riot talling the truth adon van held ti evidence gor goes to how bow that helas hafl WB the nian man who was crouching cronch iu lit the front yard and arid hen spectators began ta to come to the flod round around to the tear of he the bouse house it Is I 1 believed that it would be my for seddon and his wile vita to throw some light upon the matter the evidence given however bas hits been of a nature calculus cal culs cd ca to beffle all attempts at lit a correct of the affair that they aro are intent upon uia protecting mr mrs hamilton amilton Il la to evident A statement on the part of thomas P seddon convince d the prosecuting attorney torney that be he bad had part in tue of john 11 U hamilton and when the case cue was c illch led tor for before justice sommer bj was dismissed diem leed tin mrs Il amilton pleaded not guiler to the charge of murder und and was remanded back to jail iribe it the proa pros cution in the hamilton can baa has all confirmed on cross examination aa an baa has been the cage so far and it makes the showing it ex p acts to it woul I 1 be betler better by far for the defendant to confess her guilt waive father examination make a full and free statement in the district cow bonit t and mind I 1 throw brow herself at the feet of the tribunal and alc wk for merciful morel fal sentence een tence the testimony I 1 Is of a very tery damaging character and for the kind is positive |