Show FROM CARBON ANU AND EMERY ignar ofru mow oun OUR enany u the aib rd by the th Advae alts sty karlat cr CASTLED CASTLE DALM ALn dr winter winters has big Run dation laid for his bi new dew drag drog store every boddis body ia bwy busy working aa see sess amenta ments oa on emals dan and patting putting in crop crops how does this fulfil the command bnell thirteen nir now to brighten homes bom in Cast ledale within boat about an many day days jos 1 our harness u mackerl ma kerl rusti lri material for bew hop ilia his design of the lull tull dlug ding Is a good one to n I 1 no doubt the town willbe will be proui proud lot of bo tho structure U bis has been beon bold told to the emery county mercantile company for a neat maw mr A jamason la in at price ua matter matters of business pertaining to his bl mail tt abe lasac las cc rill be a av asod 71 one no doubt we are clad to hear of it Tesch tid institute wa was well mite attended added and a good program carriel out after abe abe tenders invited be seated on the be stage and partake of a banquet prepared for them an im rometa program the event events of the hoilan ho dayo ilay an so I 1 wound up the last institute of this school year andrew christenson sou out road coupar a vt oread a large of men and team friday and tuesday corking to protect the bridge from high waters and contemplated tem plated floods A good lob job is in being done 0 0 teachers Tiac Tta chers ber examination will be kid and satur saturday JAY april aj 8 and may I 1 at Castl Wale it Is I 1 leasing to hear the be nera news of our titter sister town towns and due cities it shall boa be 00 a duty to put everything in a fair way ao so the people can rely up oa on thi hi newa news do not bend the truth ai as the Orange Tille did in re to the races and sports irm we given recently the Cast ledale dramatic Dra matio company played I 1 or the witches bechet to a fair honse house saturday even ing some of the character characters having their filet that debut lid did well and all paused of creditably program fur conjoint tension of the M I 1 A sunday evening my 2 I 1 lecture 0 J anderson Ander fon 2 historical sketch MUs hanna lareen larsen 3 bong c out uka like may bertal 4 recitation miss roee rose savage 5 song sod BUM matte 6 Readi reading ag selection byrom lassen 7 recitation D T 8 the mutual Ad advance vanco james janata sewell O report ot of jamra james peterson emauro baring OLEN the farmers are baby getting the ditches ready for the irrigating ina heber J biowell Is I 1 receiving a visit from bia father who has just arrived from new mexico our datri district ct school closed last 11 week mr SOUth efforts met with good success and general satis tatian is noted among the patrons justice simmons Sim mona well ta Is a boon to our townspeople the water Is I 1 obtained b by Y from the river and i Is aa AS clear ar or crystal and aa as pure aa an a mountain mount aiu stream harrison arrison II miller bas has moved family to hie his ranch up spring canyon dy by the middle the spring glen lien canal will bo be completed to a point abaro C BR hoade place and about W acre acres more of ezcell excel ant lant land will be covered by this canal camal A greater portion of the land to be covered by this extension Is owned by BA U A southworth and J T rawly A mr jar 0 so southworth uth worth willa will as soon as the its canal ii Is completed teed abolt folly acrea acres to I 1 lauern amm the spring syria glen canal flume jit jost abor above helper which was constructed ted by the railroad company has been a scourge of much annoyance the nime was constructed over the pipe line and ats L tiled in places causing great loss of water an effort will be in ade ide by the canal company to secure a differ ert channi I 1 where an all earth channel can be had wellington abe county road east so of town Is being graded grow and will be a splendid turnpike for a abort distance where rethe abo waters usually flood good it boedler and coal creedis are both quite low at present but ire very muddy the tidwell ditch la Is thoroughly cleaned out this la in several places along the road water has broken from the willington canal and baa ban the th country our school district la is to bavo have a it new school boewe 1 la in much lunch needed Improver jt it atwill will be commenced at aa an early day s U possible completed ehni peone of wellington i jitu aro are to be to on their to oa 01 nearly all newspapers new papers received by the people tt of Welli wellington are re late two or three daya days la in reaching tb the subscribers this fault lay lays with our out pot master waster and suit residents are nt n t at all pleased with getting their mill mail when a week old an accident occurred at abe tk big spring ranch ou oa april 23 that came nearly proving fatal lo 10 the alz cearold old son on at 0 illyrian ch ten tennese lese foreman of the ranch one of the men blotta bad lott a team landing standing in the yard for a few moment and during hie his absence th tbs b boy OY clim climbed bed into the he seat at and started the bones boned IQ in trying to top stop them the little fellow was dragged over the dashboard daib board aud and the wheels ran over his lis body jost below the breast bone this an internal hemorrhage t int at medical aid arrived in amo to top stop it and the this boy 1 14 cow now ar r part ly restored to lili ids normal con 11 tion at last account accounts bo be was improving george holliday came down from he the coal mine monday last and reported developing ve wo work k progressing nicely at col collany Pany I 1 working two W J tidwell arido a flying trip to S monday where ld la gathered in and assessed a few all hands were thankful fur for the ra n freshing showers ot of tuesday oar district diet school will contla tio one month or possibly a little longer will fausett ban isom taken the fansett cattle ta the park willis MC his started I 1 coe w herd and will be pleased to receive till the cow cows tu in town john L willson waa was a visitor to wellington tle ant of thi week jacob liddell a condition doc does not im prova aa as fast ai as his friends would like but ihry they till still lc bim po for bla his ultimate re rc covely ouy guy willson baa hall gons gone to price to work L 31 ui oleen olsen waa was down from price rioe sunday iio ila inspected the railway ties tacked at this place and waa was very well sA tisdel nt idel as to the quality FERRON adli Dilli therla ij Is again in incur our midst and two case cases are reported the schools are re once more io in CM am ion ton but there it h a very email small attend ano 0 farm lianda lands and teamsters tea ar are 6 in great demand at present every fanner farmer seems to be behind with big spring work sunday was the first day we hare bare bad water in the town ditch for over two week weeks it having been tamed turned out fur for cleaning clean the ditch the people found it a big chore to haul water from the river for culinary purposes fea the te berroa roller mill company calo 1 berated the completion of their dow ow grint gria t mill by giving a ball and topper supper for the stock bolden holders and a few of inear moat most intimate friends fruit fruits aud and liquid re freeh fresh menta ments were freely dealt cat cut 1 ibe I he participants dispelled all care and enjoy ed ad a jolly good time it waa was kept up until the erly early boura hours of morning talk regarding Us M M E cheshire ability to treat and to inte tite midwifery jas aas induced that I 1 idy to get testimonials tt from ome tome bf ver pa tie tien nuts nta the lady los been successful in a large majority of the cases which sue he hie boo treated among thoy who testify of mrs Cb Ch shired hire ability are mr aid ald un mrs albert edward mr mrs A M X ste sit veta david reed and mud arthur bax additional Addition ij items many loads of wool are through here en cu route to price our new flour mill the new NOW cas castio cioll ie Is doing splendid work ole Soi enson la Is the them miller lUer and wallace petty Is his lis assistant asel stant 1 P thompson Thom peon who has ban been very 5 abick for nearly two months is I 1 I 1 lowly recovering we aie are expecting to have quite a celebration here on may alay day murray lanon Larson was in ferron laet last sunday the young men have formed a base ball clab with clayborn elder as captain and ed cooley aa as assistant cadun we an no ler ferstand stand the emery nine were in tending to send berrion a challenge and the boys to preparing to accept any that may cume along CLEVELAND CLE thomas richards rejoices la in the airth of a lovely daughter mother and child doing well mrs E R blaip went through cl cleveland to last week and delivered lecture hectares while here hem they were well attended il mies miss tina laisen has arrived ed here from ephraim and it is rumored she he will maks her home here in the future we are phased to see her back gain again the young folk folks spent an enjoyably enjo enjoy abla evening at the borne home of miss clara aiger alger sunday sudsy St the yo ing lady will maket her borne home in nine mile thu thin ommer summer and her friend friends are orry to see her dep del it relief of emery stake held 1 ti e ir q quarterly ua t to tl y c 0 n f e r 0 f c e he her to conly ron ly a n ml 4 it d s w well t ll 11 a t t t n le t i is was aho alto the primary ariu ary cont cent rence from all the different wards wen were pro everyone bad had an n enjoyable time steppe johnson and emma ward were married on aba ath instant Ini taut we with wish acm much joy and thi banners cr all biby getting the ite canal la in good condition for lie the lewis overton Ov ron who attended a bool hool nt at L phra lut this winter bu his returned being ant an 1 li doing hise lil pring work lawis to a it farmer armar aa an I 1 lil lie conlin henry Ot entrom comeback came cam bacic with him blin and bis big lack with castle valley oil owl one of ho the listers chil iren and two of the R children bad had a narrow escape cape from death the other city they bad tern leen calling ratio a lot of dried begins and they dearly nearly lost urn lives through the th a bloat ial CASTL LOATE W what bat might bare have turned out to bo be a irloa accident occurred bocc jirred here banday evening doting ahoo williams wn was aming aln 1 in eliy a jaa J 1 a on blui aua htiu rat rut a railroad rall ra road tie lie in his path thinking that when be h aw saw ath it ha would low slow op up wether h he kaw haw it or not he h ran into it and wae was thrown very heavily to lna stun ning him so 0 o much that ho he bad had to be helped bome and the doctor sent for of the brain wae was tea cd 0 or dr did all in lit hu bij power to 0 o tw to tore store him to but failed and abo aurig man cil somewhat lelit ions until next day when ho he came to if lie la is at tuis this writing getting along alright alrik alrig ht lit our town hee ban settled down to its usual and everybody li Is now even tenor of their way it wre a plea slug circumstance to note the difference of nf the accounts ac ol 01 the tb late robbery hero here aa an given in the tuo price paper papers the Adro cato bad had a very accurate cc rate and detailed while ineas the new bad had an item hat that bad had the appen ranco of 0 belog sent buia san IMD francisco or dr has be imn called away several 1 times in the lait few daya days to at tend to patients along the ho line ill 1110 prompt attention to the calk calls avert ATCH serious complications bl is taken to IQ riding the I 1 1 bik thre wai was quite a nic turnout to in nit it now iho the rendition of waiting fir the a it ver luct by tha avani troupe liveral of thu tho part parts were well represented A boring folks dance was held in the K of P hall monday nget and a den lie dance on tuesday night at the a ima place plaris ed cox ie Is going into training for the fint first load race at the metropolis now is the time for a R fint clae batcher butcher bhore is a famine in this town for or meat 7 D cram of toll la Is in town with a it new kind of washing machine A lady from denver la in also showing a similar kind of cleaning apparatus A numb r of the high officials of aba P V coal company bare have been boen here ex x the workings and making a general inspection this week born to the wife of T IV william williams twins ibe mother b not so well as be wished bur but it Is the hope 0 ut her friends that she will soon be convalescent EMERY the people are favored with a of warm weather and ad the farmer farmers are talc tak ing advantage of tb th a and plan planting their grain the oil Is i in an excel lant coo con dialon this tb ihring and everything goes to favor the opinion hat that heavy crops will be raised this season the state appropriation of u school funds came to the lelle I 1 of the trustees juit in time to the closing of the school and as a thi this ai a tion elroda t me ue amount expected the school board b rd will run the school fire five weeks looser longer than per contract the saint saints of emery were highly tn en pertained joist snoday by a number of young belor to the he deacon deacons quorum who were cout th assigned an article of faith aa as a text three throe bore boys I 1 we ve tinder under the tuition of P brinker hoff holt ia in the banday sunday chool and they have haye an all excel lant trainer mr and mr mrs pete V were made to rejoice over the arrival 0 twin babler ba bier a boy toy and a girl each weighing 73 7 ibe lbs the children and aud mother are in good condit o and we tho thick the little folka folks bare come to tay stay the people feel to congratulate the parent o aud and hope they will alte 11 to we oft be he children do them honor |