Show yron ml mt ricans 11 t about thirty relatives and invited nesta meets assembled at the tb residence of dismus frandsen Frands th lut but monday to wit new the marriage ceremony uniting idil bia 1 emma with james F lament lamont in to wedlock bishop matson performed the ceremony bodal and singing whiled away tho the bonn bourn pleasantly aind and later ice cream and cake were tarred served it was honre hours toward towards morning when abe finally depart rd ed after havin barics a most enjoyable henry lareen larsen ion son of mn mrs P fl 11 oa Os died last sunday he ile waa was a joung young inan of abona 20 year years ilia ilk affliction woe was a peculiar pecullar one of internal nature and Is i supposed to have been appendicitis he waa was ill several adayr and suffered considerably before he died jamee james chritensen sr r died laet last tuesday evening after a bort abort illness of ha be being in bed sin ince ce saturday Sit arday he was surrounded by bv hi family when the ead en d ame he suffered a areat deal mr christensen wal wa born la in norbo on the loth of march starch it anve age of 20 i be he came to utah agin g in salt lake he be joines the elverty el party vartY of Plo pioneer neen who aeU ledin mt a etli 1859 1830 and ha has mallet ma eUle ilits a me ever 1 alace ft A he lie IL T this dy city to 11 culat atte 1 ii IU wit fit |