Show AND HOODED noay 1 found round meat near the tb V F r track lu in suann samoilo ift county Coal rile utah april 22 when the par pay car passed through echo this morning superintendent oneill reported to cornnor cir joseph storer that a dead man we was lying by ibe the tide side of the track half a n mile thil this eide side of emory about ten miles from echo coroner storer and deputy sheriff faddies immediately le left ft for at that point found he the man and re to tinned with the body to echo where all an vaa was held this afternoon the vic tinie tines held was crashed in from froin behind and a coupling pin found beside the body Is supposed to bare been the inspru mant tit of death as ibe the pockets of the murdered man were tamed inide out an and rifled drifted babbel ie lup to bare been the motive for the crim the clothing of the dead man Is marceil the nameon name of E weir and it Is thought he was formerly clerk of the central hotel at ogden and is thought to bave beedon been on freight train no si 21 which left echo at laet last night the coronate Cor leaves lea n no 0 doubt abbit the man being rawl ered the sheriff hae has gone to evanston 1 to like further investigation and everything la it being done to ar apprehend the murderer tribune Trib |