Show ima ml acte lat GOT well wells laet last week appointed the he commissioners in each county under whom the ain for the deml centennial celebration are to be expended the joint resolution passed by the last I 1 legislature egi slature appropriated 1500 tot for the send centennial ton thousand of ibis this goes to the commission and the other five thousand Is s divided up among tle counties coun tk and the tb governor baa has now appointed appAu ted the supervise to vise the expenditure of these amounts the aum to which each of the fire five casem counties ie Is entitled and the name of respective spec tive commissioners are as follow follows carbon allu W 0 sharp of castle kte gate emery ISO C 0 lawa of cadue date dale grand 1134 1 al W warner ot a moab P ts juan 15 1 F A hammond of bluff uintah 11 1 A R 8 collet of vernal |