Show THE BROKEN KEY ff the young and pretty bride felt worried aud oat ot of starts crt only a eight weeks ago ebo viar married ried her dear gu gus r and bad followed him lint to 0 lii lie brancin in vf IV aud and already be 1 had begun tn neglect her to go out a au all evell 1 s and ud to leave her alou aloise tn ili ne bad had tried tw tv couttie ter that he lie coald cowd not net alto his oriner friend aej w and tha th a A le rie ought not to act to his buc log them ou on two ran even 1 wo every very week aud and to pass pan an A rma over at a friend gitro a of st tul but 6 0 ua o otis 1 fir tir di did v not 0 low lio could cuin if without let hov how could ever think of going anywhere ltd where without ink ok ug jig be lic along ob ilia dreadful evenings I 1 have to I 1 ulio she comper lik d with tents la in her 1 I aoi am obliged to lt hero all 11 alono alone I 1 hava have ki as yet bad had tic chance to form nuy any here hem naturally I 1 feet homulak often I 1 fed feel like leaving everything and taking the tile train homo to mr parent would it ft not bo be laiter r darling it you went to lal arl and 11 flied 1 to sleep that tin li is JUKI just tho the trouble s also lie replied till still in cutean tents 1 I nin am afraid oar our fleece way up its file attic bho would act even ir ur wiro anything to happen to me nip kiy 11 1 you child what I 1 there to I 1 be afraid I said of 1 bat but if Is goi 13 ua to bp pen are not tho ilia paper every day tiny full of burglaries aud she I 1 of tho many that flock mick to e a ile veil known health rall rc tt like tilt OL nothing li is 1113 possible under such cir cum 1 tile liu iLand looked thoughtfully at his III sweet brido no dear I 1 do not want you t frighten pelf into illness I 1 I 1 you of my awu free will the poor fellow coul I 1 not help heaving a IH as bo lie paid alis alto to return i 1 at til 11 whenever whency cr I 1 fo go tu meet my lay fri entin it it hi romildo rom ilbo tor no to with draw myself from their poe ty alto ito geaber for they would ridicule and anti make flin at of no ina and rail nit ilia berglan rarely put ir their bc font hour of 11 tho ilia ts beug full of life nud null lo goodby oo dby darling end atia pleura do not ilot feel lour ooma annie and submitted resigned y to her falm bho she tell renil awhile she site thru then took tilt oi her a lins linstedt teut aar or glicr ter abo 1 I t inked I 1 game of polita irce nud and finally alto boord rentI 11 cAmly up aud do alio llio room at dionio laid 1 I a larva famila circle cicura it was very trying to tobar her to let arft ito much to herself in its her new at 10 ci ell he fa millar lu in Litch litchett ets cowd fer tile lad bad gone up is t tirs to her at antti fl aud and tilt frit felt tho the old at filling 1109 of die tree nud fright cr 1 therit alic sit slug room was nt sit tile re r cf of file he hone and there was a hallway ix it and tile ficat took she therefore could old not hear the usual molses A deathlike silence reigned iu in ilia room tired aud anti yet excited abo threw herself oa an tho the lounge tho sadly reflected why Lerr housa aud and card parties part lea had leu called jut luto exis dy by aad I 1 y her thoughts though ti become more and more con fumed aud and clia pilo fell luton into a round sound lumber it ita s as 11 03 when IT oma arrived breathlessly and xo at hit hi liti houwe ume door olid vaid tried to bt bla key luto into the lock poor fi howl had avil spirits con cots pirce to ret get him into tauble real lc tho key broka iu in two aud anti ilia lit bit stock taut fut in lie maudlo au on I 1 barrel alone v in hill lii bandit iio rd ho lie call called cil lio lie knocked agnias fuld louder cr unfortunately thero wan was no lion v all luvnia iu vain 1 I hardly think my toy wife las has retired as early as va this v ho lie reflected but of cis h lu in the bittins room incas likely rho cannot lit ar tuc vic once morel lio lie knock knocked cJ tills this time very loud iio lie called until lis voice wu wis hoarse hor so no ally to 1111 his cup of bilgery to 0 tho the brial it ft camili aced to balu aud anti lie wa val with ont out nu annie has gone to bf bed daft tilt er crall all ill hel thought shivering and drip plus art I 1 I 1 go to 0 o a lintel kot nol ant but would tho the people hilluk I 1 the only place I 1 know ct of that inny till still be open ie is the ilia railway depot for then there Is 1 a train at iio ile clown ho the strat iu in a pouring dat lit im found himself inthe i a alio ralian wl ing of ilia t io A ala 3 of beer air ir atcy au on cu eu heip ising walter out hook shook ho felt chilly punta be bendid said aud it lioti hott I 1 he ile drauk drunk one glass aud ud lieu then another and till another to while almly the time lieras lie wa bo the culy only them iu in dae time tinie the tile last train bad nud anti bo be could stay no lie longer they were about to up in 10 ricer desperation ho he looked at hie his vt atch atoll it i aa I 1 wheal I 1 a emerged into tho ilia street ani an I it h hid kd ceased to rain tho the ull full mean seemed to tiivi aud wink at him lint mal piously biou ly through the clouds cloud cs 3 though she bo meant to any ay see old laan luau it you right aby by must mu st you ro ont ant to play cards 1 nud and icae 14 jour wife ct at horie iu ili la in sipito of the repeated 4 pot aticus be he till still felt chilly there I 1 un no help tor to it t but a bood good ran bo he faid to himself vitting on a lively ildr trot though the aty birst dawn one street up tip an n flier through tho the until bo he reached tho the pea pen chaut country 17 aej bacis back again 1 without stop cr rest for fer fp arof of catching catchi ug cold the town clock struck the hour cf of 4 it Is I 1 still too early to pet got into the booc he nid inid flie file faut door dear il is never 0 will they bo be able to unlock tho the door anyway aay way A piece of my ley key ticks iu in the lock the women 1 are am imprinted aud anti a muot get oat out dat but now I 1 can call stand this LO longer I 1 siave lave ton lettl ing hot to drink and flit sit down there 13 a train ct at 4 a cloce aud anti forthwith he be tote more w cured his way to tho the railto i l depot A sour corner and a cup cap of liot hot coffa but re him but lot he nab vins very tired fired oud and pretty pam bo be was an 01 bound asleep lu in lits ilia corner as s hil wife had bail pvn the tile air ili becore oil her lor ga and anti boy bo y did his wilo fari alic abole la in the middle ol 01 he the with a n tart start i linot f out of her will by n horrid dream iu in which her linnbaum I 1 lia lul I 1 appe tred before her ug aud and torn tom by huso linge liecty cletty mx u uj j I 1 owmer ithe he adf tithe sita adios atios her ner face am bathea in ili team sha p icid icod rest lenly up an I 1 docu tha writ hinr arr laud on oil the wretch I 1 to i out an might I 1 JI jat jit t to t hint ot at it ill I 1 bach a mw mu m u has the coront ra to talk lo 10 me oc love 1 not content to act liko like a villain ho be even bad to make inake fan lots of mo me lat lant night by I 1 lie would henceforth be home tt it I 1 it I 1 a clock mio ho would ever hive him 10 base they doe done th the atlar hence b bo 0 cannot pretend bobc playing card cards there all bight IL jh aren only klac ivra where here v h he t I 1 vp tilling the he night ill elioso corn mil pany be lie in i enjoying binim elf lf sibila I 1 bat holl hell cud that I 1 situ not I 1 lall leavo caro him there i a train at 7 ja ju tile ming 1113 which I 1 aci ara to take tale nud and go homo to my par lint cuu at 5 9 As ak callo tle serving build whom iman alio ue and to peck pack the maid asje uil nothing and oho 1 w was cd ed that her master bid hail not net risen eul and did not help iiii wife however flo wever the bade made the coffee nod wona after a ft the front door wai was wide open an I 1 a locksmith lor will with the big lock annie ili tile ball the laud lady ran to inert mort her ter la in a horry bony of excitement did yon you bear boot about it madam A thief WM hero lost night and made an attempt to enter ilia boul colue one mulls have frightened bicoff biro off ho ile left a broken key afflick ack fat flat in the loik and slid wan won unable to unlock alio thedoor door I 1 bad to rail call from iho window until I 1 aroused a neighbor who ri r i for a locksmith now I 1 am going to have atto a patent lock put on aud bud poll their little game lint but yon yam look lank very pale my dear deal madam I 1 am lorry tarry to hare have frightened yon you willamy with lay burglar story are you going to tako take a ride so early aarl till mitt morn W ing annie nodded at bid 1 I pa i rd 1 on she was that the lied load ut wit press br her valise which bit maid had alread already r pat put into the tile cab calk what A narrow estipa cic apo I 1 bad had lart last I 1 11 a 1 1 a tilio sho wo was vow thor flier 1 11 h li pAti gry so moch much man reason leaving 1 aa iho file fillow llor ft no watts aliat tin filet for Forthe ho premi I 1 abial 1 1 lemaire with my patents rot cut th aboa tits nib ing obe be arrived at sit abo depot her bo in tended to leave her valise in III the ho wait walt ingroum ao 10 room annie iam d and made for an empty talle when suddenly x ablio I 1 a drin derp i pea ilia valise 11 and t 11 stand bat that her husband bus band her on sitting in a comer center anti gnat ing loud enough to maico make everybody in ilia tot a as smile nt at his iw sial A powers he looked tired and au divorn boru and liu hu api damn damp how ilow did lie att there here and why wo lio in such it dilapidated condition bho for a moment on un and unable to take her off 10 it drewis weri werirt mt f ninin had italy the sleeper opeti ct lile his whatever tho the outcome alho inest avoid a in ili a public dooin anything bat but that the waiters lad lintl more ahan once looka I 1 tingly at tho tile man who file bad drunk three cup culls of coffee freand and I 1 lien fall cu ell apices hour hours aal annie tried to appear quite unconcerned and took a peat hi r lius baud somehow her anger bad oh darling dai linn what mei me luo I 1 mean rather what brought you here be he asked astonished at the unexpected appearance of his hi wife dressed for far a journey never mind dear dont bother about A be u 9 that now alto ho boino C I 1 aft us rido homo where I 1 will explain all un gus acquiesced in ili 1118 feet felt and hardly able to carry b weight w wets stick all it be lie coald could do was to drag elf to a cab cals and thau explanations avro in order aluli I 1 id no 1 harolk o 0 to doubt her lion hus baud balsa a narration of lie his adventures dur dun fug tho the night and what the landlady had told iota her about the ilia broken icy key tended to corroborator corro carro borato and bud exonerate biro him bat but bo he roald could not riot quito quite make ont out from her explanations what hit bad had taken her to lq tho railway station ila waa was homeier ho weer weier too ill III to wk many arrived at 1 homes dio stile dimply told tho the astonished servant that they bad changed their mind an I 1 would not riot go a ly ty because lier ter husband hoe band who had bad p tiled her to the he depot had leon rud send denly taken tick sick and dent sent her after a in gua wa cry tick I 1 or two aweeka ho could lot leave hi hij hii i bed A complicated and ag grava attack of ct influenza was the result of lie his during that ill fated night annio annie never left ble his h b daddo and BOW now it t wa wu her treat great care and tirel tM devoti nursing that opened d 11 bis eyes ss as to the depth and unselfish us of her great love for him at last bus gas got v veil vell ell and though lie ile would LOW and then go to have n kocl a d g ginie gime ime of whit whist his hi wife never again doubted lint even if it ho be staid out later than thin 11 I 1 I 1 fruits the german |