Show tb the daring robbery lt last week at cael created universal and ana consternation and how act set the press proof the tato state to figuring oat out schemes whereby the bold hold desia of robber robbers roost can be apprehended or broken up p how den of outlaws can be reah ten A od ad and exterminated la Is taa tb all boriff ff topic of at the day but then there are ary v ry few people la in the itale state who erea even shar read ing the of at thia this wid wild country can cart fora form the least conception of what it really u AL man must visit castle valley and travel it over in to order to gala gain fiven a remote idea of the ban san rafael reef and ita its innumerable boz box canyon canyons that ont from tho the cedar mountains on the out of castle valley to the robbers bobbers roost roast lu the dirty ditty devil country it 11 a continuous alalu u ut cupl 1 iti its passes are narrow and precipitous and ite its streams reams are hundreds of feet below ibe the ancess running in chain with perpendicular rock walla walls to hedge the atheni of in the river beds are of quicksand and all together it is a perfect dante dantes in ferbal region all these then wild and delo late f atrie aes of the desert are but tributaries to the grind canyon of the colorado and they tayer an area a of f country fifty miles wide and reaching from vernal on the north to the henry mountains on the anth a distance of foly fully one hundred and seventy fire five miles the nature of the country will per mil mit of a few men entrenching ing them selves in almost any place they wish where they could defend themselves against an attack of a regiment of soldiers of conne course they could be cleaned out but it could done at a great coat cast and in all probability the loss lose of many good men IJ at that thid this law loea low clique must most be made to boase their depredations there is no qu cation and as a before stated in these columns the only way it can be ia is by the action of the state and the cauldle coul dle the reputation of the tate state is at take stake tho the counties nearly all want escaped criminals crim ioala who are making their home there and as long as they go 90 unmolested the lives and property of the people are am unsafe As far as matters of rewards are concerned it ij U believed r t til ol is pretty well certain that there ia is ever now offered and banging hanging over the head heads of the members of that 91 gar of criminals for their capture it does not dot a benj em that rewards are so much of an incentive after pal ai and cotses of men nien want more thin the mere chance of reaping a reward therefore the tha only juet just and testable way of securing these bandit bandits or of exterminating teem is to fit posses ont with rupp applies an and 1 any for a month and guarantee all ex luses incurred so that the men cent seat to do the work may not of necessity hare have to put in their time and spend their own money without remuneration mune ration which haa has heretofore al way ways been the case let this bo be done and that quickly and the work can bo be done A faatu i that will add dimity dignity to the pioneer J jubilee to be held at salt lake july 2023 20 23 5 will be abo presence of nearly luiu iuso of the moat moa ed men from all of the twenty four states and dice wet west of at the river they are the rs of the trans mississippi congress which will convene there on july and remain in session one week the members of the are themselves pioneers in tho the building and civilization ox of the west wet and bocaner of their experiences will enter wita debt into tho the occasion too of the con conglis guis including lion non william J bryak L hi li i la Is its it president pr eIdent will remain over bortle c and will be given a welcome by the people arrangement are already being made roads for their on a most elaborate scale professor Prof cesor eraa evan stetan SteT cn the director of the great at tabt TaUru basele acle choir and tb taj i meet eminent malcak in tie me witt will of we concert concerts aud baud contests to be given in the T be Is 1 during 4 1 jubilee week theeo these will be arraD tred for far on tta te PW grandest Krand fet cale seals ever tyer devised in the west it ia is expected that every baad band in bah will enter ibe the contest contests and that in the coults oon certa dot lot lee lea titan 1000 voices and bibly loti 10 will participate oae one dou ami and children are now being trained to A slog ong national airs stirs by pro professor fessor banned for childrens day aad and 0 bulale 1 chool school children will take part ta a that evell we note w with ith pleasure plea sur that last week the emery county commissioner r w commended john snow of Orang orangeville eville and andonia oman kobbins of 0 huntington as i specie special agents to disburse the appropriation pria prist tion ione by the late legislature fur building roads through canyon and huntington canyon As A soon as 84 the governor fO acts set upon the be oe commendation commendations the work can be b pro ceeder with and the road roads built without delay there waa was aloo also an appropriation of 1000 made for the building bull dinn of a road in carbon county flom price to which is an absolute necessity and will be a great convenience to the public the fact that the carbon county selectmen bare have so far taken no action in to the mater it to be regretted this road should ay iy all means be built this summer and the sooner work on it Is the bolter beder it will be for the people of this county on wednesday senator thurston pro pre eluted a petition from the pack log company of douth omaha praying for tot lower dalle duties on catl cattle lethan than thoe those provided in the dingley bill these gentle men claim that the mexican cattle are a bleating blessing for this by way of eating op up oar our grass fodder etc the A american merican calf call can do that more matie factory iben HIM to the american former tho extra profit senator S thurston I 1 14 much in favor of the higher duties and lj Is well convinced that the cattle annually ira im ported parted from mexico decreases the price of american icet the mexican Alex ican beef Is very poor and very cheap making desirable material for the packing companick cf tho have Os he faculty of passing it off its american raised b beef bf f L L carpenter paymaster of the P V coal company went to salt lake city last lait Th sharday arday after all hope hopes of capturing the highwaymen who held bold him win up bad vanished Tante hed and the tribune ue neej 1 day contained the following at ar carpenter states that the abe sheriff ff of carbon county was the means of at loe los 1 ing the robbers yesterday and faya says had bad the tb sheriff acted quickly and with a lettla tact be he could have cap aured the hold ups mr cappenter Cat penter la is evidently a reader of the advocate Adro cate and know knows how nn willog jig and aud dilatory the sheriff Is I 1 to act juggin Juil ging g from too comments com menta made by nearly all the newspapers in the state regarding the country to which the Cail legate holdups hold ups escaped it is very evident that ibe the great majority of utah editors don dont know any more about the geography of this region than they do abent their ability to get into hearen heaven seme papers dupley inexcusable ignorance when they state that a posse pow tried to bead head off the robbers at iron springs in washington county we have no patience p with any supposed intelligent men vho v ho make inch such glaring blunders excepting the eastern utah advocate Adro cate the salt lake like tribune Is the only published in utah that gave the public a true and accurate account of the carpenter bold hold up the trail taken take by the highwaymen in their entire trip to robbers boost the movements of the moeses and a comprehensive description odthe of the san an rafeal country the tribune hall right and it has a wideawake wide awake correspondent in price E L carpenter Carpen tir of the P V coal company relieved reli ered of awo in old by highwaymen john IL hamilton Ila mllton murdered in salt lake cil city ty and a man named wier robbed and mur murdered derad nea nes echo in weber canyon ill all in one week Is a great record at 0 crime for to jubilee year in conr young state of utah and the officers of the law are powerless in at least the carenter Cari unter and wier episodes the advocate Is 4 pleased planed to note the many improvements being mid in our towns and rod especially to see such a 11 large number of trees being planted it all 11 show a the progressive alre spirit of the people and will be another eri evidence dence of making be desert blossom as the rose the Pr evident has received many congratulations fron from democrat democrats over bis his gracious act set in appointing ex vice president stevenson Steven wn as a member of the bimetallic commIn siou US the gold in the tha treasury since january 1st has increased over fifty one ons millions Od 0 dollars now at standing selling at ovar one huo hun ired anil and eltty three million d clars tree trea tre a e are very backward la in leafing this aban in this part at the country but mall small cr c r ill il and alfalfa 1 arc am showing up splendidly price and ct cat b bm in county Is just now getting ian of ill the states latest a stations acar arc brebt ht rith bl hia from train holland olland 11 to new jimey two able lin hl wife aud and a mahogany bureau burea i the bureau wax was vry big andola end old the wife wito was little and young in america the wife became bc cani infected va ath it the abominable mcw ideal ideas that have tainted the air of 1 new jersey she ah ow folded mold td jolin john for smoking in imir beat jolin john took time to ruminate on how to cure care her of the new flew woman notion tho lower dramer draw trot of tho the bureau wae aud and dap enough for a it coffin on a provocation john picked op up his little wife and locked her let that drawer sho she yelled and slid creamed that she ho uns ro locating suffocating so john had to let her out after only it short discipline she was disobedient and now womanish again befaro long however and again ho he locked her in the lower drawer this time he took precaution to bore some gimlet holes in the he back of tho the drawer eo so the he could get air the discipline worked admirably when the american notions cropped out cut into the ho bureau drawer he clapped her if lie wanted to go away to work be did no me leaving her locked up and meditating on the folly and of new if cho she fried cried and called no matter nobody heard her but one cay 2 a teighlor neigh Lor camo came in and heard beard her crying and begging to bo be let tout but tho tito thought it wan was a spook and was terribly frightened trot but MR husband cumo in soon and explained that it wae was only a IL little mild family die di ialine john got a st eirtle that will last him many month mont lin however when end and brought before a police mag arato for locking bin wife in abo burcsu drawer lie could not nu der stand how it was anybody business busi bus iners nef but bis his own NN aen t the woman hit hi the judge alca him to prunier not to do it 1 ilont I wont lock her up obain eaid said john johm next time hao not mind me I 1 beat her 11 if you do go to prison for fix six months mont lis eaid be the judge now john Vanden is in a more P painfully muddled state of mind than he be was before ho ile daree dares dot not leek lock lena in the bureau drawer ho he darca dares not even whip whipper her ber A vege tabla product las ban been uen tested in the arid and and semiarid remi arid arld regions of tho country which bromle to bo be of immense mense vaino value in to place places where indian corn will not grow it ii is called tho vio idaho coffee pea pro or bran from t the ile fact that it wae was noticed growing wild in idaho the colorado state agricultural college collego hai has experimented with this growth and finds it gercs rich it is P bein been or pea iwa and und grows like these legum if guinea em stock of all kinds fatten fatte on it and arc sam fond of it it weds no rain cr irrigation apparently drawing necessary moisture from the air it ie is good for borha ba m ansa food cither either toiled green like garden peak pene cr or prepared liko like flour or meal ineal it aleo also make maks a palatable and pleasant plea jani drink of idaho and colorado first discovered dinc dia covered the invaluable properties lct of thia this wild bean as a a fool for both rain and mud livo live stock ai As a drink when roasted ground and steeped ite its flavor ie Is pronounced by erper leni coffee drin drinker to be richer and finer than thou that of java or it locks however the stimulating lating quality of ordinary coffee and will therefore not affect the nerves the of america an are pleased to krow that in varion various small matter matters president and alm ilm mcki uley refuse to bo be governed by the ironclad etiquette prescribed for white house occupant occupants and that they tale their own head for thing things A president preside litof of the united state states ia is only an american citi citizen zeu the simp PIP graceful and polite usages a that are the highest ador luent of private social life are good enough for f or the president presidential i a mansion generation of colemn solemn flan fino kits attached to the courts of europe have canned caused to crystallize around our republican A awall wall of ol 01 formality that ill becomes tho the place when a president and his wife therefore are site free io to rot down through thil this mass of antiquated red japery th an am bad glad the most industrial indue trial on der taking that if is today growing under briw abe 1 berlau at its cert cost when flubbed will 10 1 0 its total length Is will tn ill a year time abe part of th the road nin runs through the grain growing Krov siberian country pred ud is already abisha this will the wheat of asiatic baula It ik conix XIU petition altion with that ot at Ame amelica tica the flush days of american wheat export are over several wilthy wealthy and nd prominent sen 11 demea cluen of chicago will 11 tilts summer have their family 11 carriages cerrie gM aria smaller vehicles propelled iropoli rd by electricity instead of haroe power battery cr car ties ragn will bo be oo 00 eight tb the fashionable drives it AU the ho kanfu city go west young man and grow tough with nevada and rua simplicity lu in al 11 II tb the highest typo of at manner public a or Tat OM file whole delta of the haa has been flooded by tho the pres rut ut laudation inundation |