Show I 1 s DATA data relative to 10 the plo pioneer netro aud and in embers of the mormon who have thus far reported to tb the pioneer jubilee laa has been oom com piled one hundred cud fifty two men med and gull boy and and girls bare have r rt ported their average ay age 1 U 00 0 yeara years and mt total of their are yean yeam E wre were born in the mouth QUAD of jani nary 20 26 in february 80 in march 17 in its april 21 in may mayo 17 I 1 in june va 1 I in july tober 17 in november ber and to in decela ber their nativity la Is aa as fool fo ollow lows inland ireland 1 norway r 1 canada 17 england 18 no Arkan Arka gM 1 michigan 1 new hamp shire 1 rhode island 1 u 4 north carolina 2 south carolina 2 main maine 1 2 8 new jert jephy ey 1 nebraska Nelra ika 4 vermont 4 connecticut 0 3 alabama 0 missouri Mi Mouri 11 iowa IT 11 kentucky 33 abut 1 if indiana 14 1111 17 11 ohio if e new york all illinois av the companies compan lw they came in lit and the number in mch each were an follow follows preel dent brigham youngs company 10 19 A h Uro onta non rany 2 ka ward hunters compiano compi any 22 2 john tay toy lord company 23 daniel kpor cers coni corn piny p my 61 41 A 0 a 36 parley P its company so charla Char laC a okho ali he 27 S mormon battalion Dat tallon andler jamee james brown 1 I marriage a wen I 1 sued daring luring the last at week by the county clerk to carl nian an I 1 lanon ot of eph balm jamee james F lamont and larom frandeen frandsen of mt pleasant andrew mar marks lea of moroni and annie Byrder eaarl of t walta Eph ralin enterprise |