Show note got drunk peter casson is a butcher in the pro bibi tiou tion town of iio aleo also ha ban a ranch end cud a winery it is related that lat last tall all ho he maud maw seir cral tb 0 galloni gallons of wine wilch bo be stona in kli his big vats one holding galli wu was for a higher prim not long anc casson sampled thia this cask and felt it htwa was going to b a maker the tat vat bad had A mall small ping pug that projected near the floor how this chanced to bo be palled pulled out by his herd berd of hoes hogs some timo time that day casson doc does not know but the following morning bie his cask wa was empty and bia his bogs wallowed drunkenly dmn kenly about it artly one was wag able to rio rise to iti its feet blen it fell down adalu completely complete lr lagged loe L angeles record |