Show COAL coat tb the Cui cuine nr sol local lot lisse the day ool company shipped another car of anthracite coal to salt mt like city last neck week anil and expect to get got the third car loaded by tomorrow to o morrow the company wll alp ship at least one on car a week eek daring during the summer month months tm but will A ill be improving and 1 denilo ploK tho tb minis nr artil til everything b W gotten into shape to cupply supply the winter demand coal mines are located la in whit IDI and are from banD TOIJA via urany trull trail creek the ODO 0 thing taftt abott chimpen b immers ibo the corn com pany operations Is I 1 the roun dabo r t road 0 a be the ralo mint bat but ibis wilt will roon soon be reme died as 1300 to I 1 liw bilag spent in constructing a direct road na heu ben this Is i done the coal rein cai ca I bo be reached jat jost nine tulles 11 distant broin and at bat that point which la is bout about a tulle from fron where coal Is 1 now being one rein 1 Is 9 91 1 feet and another dij 41 fet 1 tt thick ilea men are busily employed in making the necessary changes mud ud tm im proTe prove menta ments and aud a tunnel ia is being driven to determine it if lealh will die dis chloee CIO any improvement in the quality 0 of the antar sait thih its it w tow f op tip them la is every reason to believe the article tamed oat out will vill gi give general satisfaction should lue the 00 coal a I 1 improve lin prore on running the tunnel the quality rill will equal hat that of the Pannill yanta anthracite and large will bo be made the company baa has orders for me than they can at I 1 resent supply but will kakoi efforts to bip ship aa as ofru aa as the facilities for extracting till allow |