Show lio HOLDUPS HOLD 11 DUlls UPS oi 01 till im 1 kb ST till thor laosa eliy tha sito r milli 1111 at 1 I aex 1 in int lr hea she 1 lo 10 11 91 ag litin mth hh ilay guo gu o the daring aa Cast legato are ro till still at l irge an I 1 latre 11 now DOW not dot one lota iota of a that they wilt will be to captured ill 11 ahme in h of hem haa ban illy ban given up and there anro re only a few men it it 11 oat out following the flie trail trall chwe are inn lod kiy ex sherll sheriff toils lloyd anil and it li Is understood that ex sheilie pito Bu trimon of faier ruler county 1 to among the number they may probably go down th san rafael 11 A long di delance lance ant nn 1 even make robbers bat but it briery 1 my doubtful tofit they hlll ill nc lie calupi ish ao 10 n g no lit aror t awn received from thorn them and nil it it not likely they will no tell tiny thing antho way of cap cal turing the ban ills lit or f coring securing the money the robbers ari aris coolong and glor loli their rugged on tho dirty ditty datil river and their in evadina the ism once tagre r wll sir IT thra th ra salt s alt tr t t tiel fl 1 i than eve fhe flie aw they captured woula bi a um soon for them to levidis up the falt lital in their en 1 ali in ll catlon aro taftt ay tay lost fri lay at robba Ilo roost 1 waa was celebrated with more inore levity ban than it ii 11 nt lit 1 t weeks advocate Adro cate par gar a detailed account ot of the taves ado by tha the high n and attiq dolda of the lof lo f in up tha woric done ly by the und and the trull trail taken I 1 ty y the ho rot 1 ben bers are now breit ly I 1 resented sheriff draut aut posts made IN error of solas ping to borden creek instead of keeping straight tr eight on the be rod road 13 t etney y county ind on reaching cleveland Cler elani 1 next morning he discovered that the robber robbers bad had cut a wire beum in Cl cleveal Cle runn evean I 1 and gone abe day I 1 fore hit his so and that from the chase on the lecont day and the Wal 11 ledale posse kept in inobe the field wednesday evening the tb posse got mixed up with that from and one cue man la in the latter tatter bomse ran can thank nothing but lack luck for living tiow A rifts ball cot cut the our ur ru p strap butr lie leg and entered tha flank of hie his grey ware lut but did no further danga All forts ct cf tumors of course were flying around tor for a few 14 day bat it ie abo iuva now only to giro the outcome of the exciting holdup 4 L S 8 dickinson came down from salt lake with a pom and other men bere here joined them they left Iren Oreen riTer at 1 jam I a in thursday aad the crossing in cf 0 the san at 7 aau 14 alm ilm antho on tho bi road to 11 they took a go gaido alax wilb with them but he would go barth r than the HaIr hairleson reson rani Ae and the posse push 4 on to iron barios wash where they expected to intercept tho the bandits Land iti noon ahu 1 haiday ha iday mr baccal the mail driver overtook them mi ini wa was I 1 with much difficulty ja 18 to what information he bad ho ile finally told how box fout men witta five hot howe hit had c crossd roast I 1 the road near lim flu an hour after the posse posas left hal list vir Vit kenJ send ranch and they bad camped about five miles up the canon cannon flog night before the posse returned to the ban san rafael cro but by that time tho the bandits had a abart of fix da hours bul aul it wa imless with jaded horses to follow them up dickensoa with his men re to timed to Green upon leaving cleveland Cle reland the cie robbers evidently secured freh fresh horses at I 1 peters ihring on the cedar mountain mountains and crossing cro over wa Bac barkhorn khorn flat dat rent went down the san rafael to where here they went over into black dragon eq cloa ou going down that some miles they crossed re to the san rafael anil and camped at the oil tidwell ranch wednesday night a bort abort time F broay S there they proceeded eded nit next VC twenty mile dowlut dow fut we W e san rafael canyon reached the cuita tl r crossing cros eing and then madl ma f tha dirty devil river ard ie acht i robbers obbera Il roost bowe time tv svening ening their pack animal was loaded with the fou an 1 their food itis admitted that they are now na as afe safe as though they bad been wallowed swallowed op up by the earth and thus the Cari carpenter Kuter holdup will probably end A man well known la in trice price it a made a to the P V coal company to onet the robbers end and clear out robbers roost willi with leavy vow 4 f they tiey will gan gau rantee expeels and aul forn toli lix men to abet us at baw bat but as yet the effir ban not been col from eviden evidences cei that have come to light it ie Is nearly certain that the two hold were a or batch cascady maill 11 lowr fowler anu and lonii louis M carty alias allas roin galus special agent bunro p of 01 me he rio orande western wai was in price last awk and wite gald to have I 1 he mattor in but tut what slept ha he tike were not divulge i tho the festive small boy and bie his despic 4 able ue tripping string or r ts Is becoming a unco and mud abonio they 4 they will be tau glit a 1 tt thame la Is dao damp grons rous anon than thou it U is boy boys shmoone might bo be seriously injured through it and yoo you should top stop ft efow beare you suffer from ow tte tie 0 strati faoa etow wrath |