Show INJECTED NEW LIFE HOW NOW A MORIBUND WAS nr fifels WM W a on XI its aas wire irk the lk 1 wik wells cp vis I foa th the 4 ailt a kew nem ae ailt mot fr tew in the an instructive object lemma lemm in the kopd results attained by the united effort efforts of the residents of 0 I 1 0 town bellaw had fal already ready tode to tie cay city Is i told by a el izen or ct peru jero net nth lu in a 11 to the tile oniell alus world d herald he ile hue line relate relates the etory soma 13 12 a or 14 year years ago lie ilia built ju north and bud boath line live or UP through this region lag ilia darlington dear near lie center of till this county and ilia lutle little cy of auburn sprung into life the ronney wat peat wo was removed from Br drogon ille to the ilia now town taking with it I 1 the lie prestige and trade trado cf of not the th a old historic lili torio town tois ot of brown but has likewise of peru and itna neman city two thriving little river tobun on either elther tide pern fern hating having somewhat what ilia adrath tago tage of 01 the ho office two of the tile location of bo the state normal si chool at this point pointe did not decline deline 0 tic o rapidly but nevertheless it aou became ix came evident wo were oil ilia dawn lawn ardc 1 thin A few years we had tt sk point that waa was alar bu sines of all kinds de creating creasing dwindling d ty values ditto no new buildings being creat d or pr clu fact we were going to pal a and then to CAP tile climax tile only hotel in fit two a rickety oll wooden tale of fio the early Mr lyday days Is burned dawn place of cuter for the tiAr eUng fuld yo ro one to invent ina 1 dilding for he the par poro 40 abt t this til 2 T ut en feet I 1 to 10 rivo 41 to tw 1 at sell ceicil cl ml icil to a A moro central location in the ilia state tho the now no irs of thia this latter fact brought consternation to ilia miudo of our orm be the tut most nitra vitro co usery MIT something som ehing last bo lee done 1000 at OLM to stein ilia tide title if ft 11 A viam via m ilig of the rn ran called and the ilia matter fully in fit all if its anti tho the following conclusions rench reache df it wn was decided that certain publio public Improve 11 menta buelt aa As cd building now alde etc aud and a new hotel of neat meat and modest proportion a lot but ample for ilia needs at 0 14 convis of thin elio sira were veto ilia arst lu in or der and absolutely absolu lely essential to a return of confidence in out future A committee WM appointed to solicit fund and carry out ilia proponed im proTon rut 0 ou streets also a con mit 00 to solicit nud bud organize orga alea A mock company to build a hotel the first took halt cf ilia matter in itil canett rural kT cral hundred dollar aoa as subscribed and the cons piloted As per pro gramme not to however with the tile boel eat the c binok auld of the matter oil all debt right nud succeeded in getting about of stock and then it got tailed coul dilt raise another dollar apparently therefore t lie project we was to lapse forthe time timo being bome of ilia heu property erty coald could not bo be convinced that it would be a rood good they argued bat that it would bring no tan tangibly giblo blo ret tims aud ana that 1 if a hotel would pay private capital would ulla Z cue 5 tho the ahre 1 cl lr rift lul along for sev cral rat moul ba u gentleman Beetle of maans from a neighboring anni pot put III an up debrunce pe brunce one day lockling loci ling ever the field with a view of retina a brick block aud and ft a bank however latwas I 1 was biot long in ili the itata of 01 affairs nud and wa bout about to leave tu ill di dis gust with a town that bad had O to rapport a hotel boroo of tho the incao citizens pet of the situation nud will went to abo ho maa man and told tod him to bold holdau ou a little before locating el aud anti thy they would 1100 what could le be done and row vow to make a sk long story short iho the ns of pern pem owe moro awoke to ibo the situation and within three day days thoy they bad lind about of stock ii cd ed to build a hotel A brand mad jubilee meeting wax was held to celebrate the af abe almost citizen of the town bad held become interested aud and ivas IWAS a stockholder A company waa I 1 gaily and a vent cornmeal ous structure erected tho the cli terp riso thus eo els plea pleas cd ed the tile leboa d that bo lie decided t to locate avith with n ux Thi brick bleck waa was erected bo the hank rut in u pud and peru im started tu on the tip up trade with 51 aall banda hands rejoicing it I 1 Is collimated coli mated bet thet tinco that period ome items six or even years ngo ago nearly or quite baa lint been li ili buildings se milin 3 vent improvements hen here lu I 1 u thi this tillage village and property havo have increased alisee arne than one third population ladon tile 1110 Tr ne bishes to fell sell out now DOW whereas fervier Y t uly nil all wanted to stanway get away the tate state nomal normal wheat is flourishing nud and prestige in from year loyear li in fact not withstanding the hara hard times of the lat loot tareq ahw or 0 four yen years peru has beta steadily tea dily on the up gado it 11 is a matlat of frequent comment by the tr is cling emlu sales mn with nith whom the writer sa ames in frequent contact that peru it is cleof one of the bet belt town towns of if its ito ii lu in the tle state oud and that especially during the tl ewt tt two or three year years it in 1 outstrip nearly all other mall nail town tonlis in the matter ot of growth aud and yow llie me milk in the cocu of all thi la is that the turning point ii aa our career was nt at the time when that hotel bo niort became eroid the ci tz i that WM tho the foundation ct of laith which brought capital to us ne stockholders did vot expect to receive any direct upon uron the capital lurched iL vested and up to the time they have not but none ot of them evou the moat most and conservative ahas eter been beard heard to eay say be 01 his bl money moncy bock back |