Show v w 6 IT PLEASES lei 4 eastern utah advocate its readers like it its advertisers like it it pleases one once it p pays ys the other and everybody s happy it has a of soo in castle valley and will write it in the contract its advertising rates were made to gojit fit these liard hard times YOUR advertisement inserted in a first class weekly newspaper is the most effective way of reaching a given section THE HOME AND PARM FARM horticulture and up to date farming methods will he discussed by prominent local and foreign writers of known ability the weekly news of the valley will be as complete as is possible to make it we have reduced the subscription rates to per year EASTERN UTAH ADVOCATE price pie A 40 D dickton AT Cast ledale lale utah will piat tive in all courts of he the state suite S K KING L M EIL ramt R ciui 1 2 3 4 martinet Martl nt baulk W mw proto arn brait CEO PA FILLER MILLER ATTO ATTORN R N EY AT LAW LAN D huntington UTAH in connection with T TC C BAILEY DAILEY BANDA atu INCI 1 ikall ALT ctr ITAM ass I 1 nl nd budner bu silie of ill all kiml hinds promptly at t end 04 lo 10 at 1 I le rate our arbor it froe irm plats and I 1 ala vve bedy eo go CL ren ckuj il ue 6 ost woo darful ni edical atlo of or U a ve cf pic i w ant luxl ww to aba lie tie act ct beauy 1 P ly on cm ineys brer and bon boire fl ls Clenn clenniss sS tin tile attra dispel bolc enn CUT fw fan r habitual ron Ulloa and bur br and I 1 irr rt a lz b 0 x of U Q V ta darl lq sti cent enod 9 stood to 10 am curo by au 11 wanted an adea wis e afta 3 PA emte TT T T mw by arlu JOHN CO ataw mr D C for tair lau arif X bual J two garthw auf 86 A X M its MARK MARKS A SCION s clis ao aaron trick ml lakly diw lRi nUna M 7 11 k alst inn lait la arack W kr km ti lesis U 2 00 anauo k scientific AMERICAN ter of lio in nick orlif cpin and ILD wot tro fr aoda MUNN A CO 1 dreegar edar kw SENT FREE FRED to toa any 0 y interested in ter ested la in humane matterson ort mAtter tere sor or who loves animals we will send free apon open application pili cUon t copy of the alliance Alli anre 11 the organ of in 10 to 10 its flit erml Int ertling reeding reading it ft contains a alist mt of the valuable rala able and unusual previl assist giren aa by the paper ad ima tress NATIONAL united hew w lork I 1 ork cleveland B bicycles icya les THE KEEN BUYER I 1 8 compare compares the prim price of an all article with its hot acet value ata a bo be anjer stands it bill it ie is not ainna to CM cas tb determine tho the value of a is AS befi beneath cath tho the gau gaudily 1113 exterior of a cheap machine there I 1 lut birks material anil slid inferior interior workmanship our do 97 catalog tells bow how to linest or 75 in a and anti y p the VALUE of YOUR bonty write inte for fur it a postal card nill will do 47 4 gc H MK Z ra 1 W EWA EW D A Q 04 send ac c tage for our Ilo oklet I 1 1 and the cycle 11 12 designs in calor bif opper of pack mention thi this paper dine dip e smoke sleep LIVE 03 comfortably as la jour your 0 diun n locc H on oil tho ilia hytt the train I 1 that list runs on hinc 11 lv denver 9 I 1 V W pm pru lv denver 0 pa A r lincoln loupa pin ar st abut ar omaha imani 00 pin ar are kan city 8 00 put ar chicago b 20 am ar bt loaia 7 18 19 la tickets and timetables time tables at all rio arci kostem ticket villace vil loce we Y F general agent P V F trav I 1 paes ass A freight aal I 1 11 I 1 walker block baw k salt ake la kc all ulah utah hon ron wm I 1 J BRIANS BRYANS boot book ALL ALI who are interested in furthering the sale of HON W J BRYANS new book should correspond immediately with tt the e publishers the work will contain an account of his campaign tour his biography written by his wife his most important speeches the result odthe campaign of 1896 A review of the political situation mr bryan has announced his intention of devoting one half of all royalties to fur the cause of bimetallism there are alread already y indications of an enormous sale address we B CON KEY CO publishers dearborn CHICAGO st J t 1 ill R A co ins A 45 ale intended for children ladies and all who prefer a medicine disguised as confectionery they may now be had put up in tin boxes seventy two in in a box price twenty five cents or five boxes for one dollar any druggist will get them if you insist and they may always be obtained by remitting rc mittin 9 the tile ericc J 9 the Che chemical t at company 09 nok NO 10 SPRUCE CF ST a p F fisco re to |